Playing The Part - Chapter 3

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We heard the ding from the elevator. Eisuke and I got in and let me tell you, it was awkward.
"U-um..." I tried to make conversation but I was still intimidated by him that I didn't know what to say.
"What?" His sudden question made me jump a little but I kept my composure and asked him a question I'd been thinking about.
"U-uh... why did you choose me...?" Yeah, why DID he choose me?
"What do you mean?" He clearly didn't know what I was talking about from the confused look on his, usually mean looking, face.
"I mean, couldn't you have chosen another girl...? Like one of your fangirls from the lobby?" He looked like he was thinking for a second before he opened his mouth.
"They would've become attached. I hate clingy girls. And you seem to hate me, which is perfect." He folded his arms with a satisfied look on his face.
"I-I don't hate you..." I lied. Why wouldn't I hate him? From the minute I got here he's pretty much just insulted me.
"Liar." Yep, he saw right through my lie.
"O-okay, maybe I do... but please don't kill me for saying that...!" I've only known him for a day - not true, day and a half - and already I'm scared for my life. At that moment, I thought about the dream I had the night before and suddenly, my face looked like a tomato.
"Why is your face red?" He asked and I snapped out of my thoughts.
"N-nothing!" I stuttered trying not to look at his face.
The elevator came to the 4th floor where I had been before and I instantly walked out as fast as I could, trying to make it look like I wasn't just escaping an awkward moment.
I slowed down when we had made our way to line of boutiques. I didn't have time to look at it before but this is impressive... I gawked around at all of the expensive stores lined up next to each other.
"Come on." I heard Eisuke say and hurriedly followed him into one of the stores. When I walked in a could help but let out a 'wow'. Eisuke looked at me as if I had just done something completely stupid.
"Oh... s-sorry..." I dropped my head to look at the floor.
"Heh." Did he just laugh? I looked up at his face and, to my surprise, he had a slight smile on his face. Huh... so he is capable of looking nice.
"Mr. Ichinomiya!" A female attendant came out from the back and as soon as she did, Eisuke's smile totally disappeared.
"I would like a dress for her." He stated and the attendant kept a smile on her face. "Let's start from here to... here." That's pretty much all of the dresses in the store! Don't tell me I need to try all of those on? Ugh... I never did like shopping... I grumbled quietly to myself as the attendant got all the dresses ready.
"Hey." I was pulled out of my thoughts. I saw Eisuke staring at me with a very displeased look on his face. "Stop spacing out. My girlfriend would never do that." Again, I NEVER agreed to be your girlfriend, you gave me no choice. I gave a slight glare when he wasn't looking, but he turned around fast and caught me.
"Oops..." That's all I could mutter as I knew I may have just dug my own grave.
"You must be feeling pretty brave if you're challenging me." He smirked. God, I hate that cocky little smirk of his.
The attendant came out and gestured for me to follow her to the changing rooms. I looked back to see Eisuke still standing there with that smirk. I turned around and let out a quiet exasperated sigh. What did I do to deserve this...?

I was handed dress after dress and every time I tried one on I would step out and Eisuke would judge. So far... none of them were good enough for him. He would always say something like 'too short' or 'the colour doesn't match your skin', something like that. And I thought all these dresses were really pretty too... Well, not all of them. I mainly just wanted to finish the shopping.
I yawned while I was putting on another dress. There was only about 3 dresses left... out of about 100... I put on the dress. It was a long, one-shoulder red dress. This is really pretty... It had a low cut open back which I was worried was too revealing but some of it was covered up by the glittering straps that went along the back. I wasn't used to this kind of dress. I stepped out to see Eisuke looking around at the dresses. I cleared my throat to get his attention. When he turned around, his mouth hung open. Oh, no... is that a good reaction or a bad one...? I waited with bated breath waiting for his response. After a couple of seconds of silence he spoke up.
"Not bad." He crossed his arms, convinced that this was the one. "We'll take this one."
"Yes sir." The attendant bowed and Eisuke then proceeded to kneel down in front of me.
"What are you doing...?" I didn't know what he was doing.
"Shoes. Lift up your foot." Oh... I lifted my foot and it slid into the black heels with red soles. He can be a real gentleman when he wants to be. He also gave me a black clutch purse and I have to say that I... looked good... Wow, conceited much Olivia...
"W-wha-" I then felt a tug at my arm and realised Eisuke had grasped my arm and was now pulling me out of the store. He didn't let go until we were in front of a jewellers. There's more?! I don't know how much more of this I can take...!
I followed him into the next store and I saw him standing over the glass counter, looking at the jewellery.
"Show me all of your silver jewels." He told the jeweller.
"Right away sir." He scurried to get all of the jewellery together. This is way too much...! I walked over to Eisuke to tell him I didn't need anything else.
"Eisuke, it's fine. I don't need anything. This dress was certainly more than enough." It didn't feel right for him to spend so much money on me.
"What are you talking about? My girlfriend should always have the finest things." There he goes again with that attitude... Before I could protest any further the jeweller had come back with a selection of necklaces, earrings and rings. They all look expensive... Eisuke looked at them all, examining each one carefully. He narrowed it down to a silver necklace with a black pendant, some simple, silver stud earrings, and also a simple ring with a small diamond stone. He put the necklace on me. His hand brushed against the back of my neck and my cheeks instantly went red. I put the earrings on by myself, but Eisuke insisted that he would out the ring on me. He slid it onto my right ring finger. It sparkled under the bright lights of the store.
"Beautiful..." I heard him say under his breath. I don't think I was supposed to hear him... I pretended I didn't hear his little whisper but I let a little smile out regardless.
We had to go to yet another store which was to get my hair and make-up done. I thought I looked okay but I guess not... As soon as we set foot in the salon I was dragged away by the stylist and Eisuke left the store.
"I'll be back in a hour to pick you up." He stated before closing the door to the salon.
"Right this way Miss." The stylist sat me down on a chair and I faced a mirror and noticed how terrified I looked. I did not feel comfortable being there by myself. The stylist started to work on my hair while other attendants gave me a mani-pedi and another started to choose make-up for me to wear. This is going to take a while...

An hour later, I was still in the salon, the stylist was making some finishing touches on my hair.
"How do you like it?" The stylist looked at me in the mirror and all I could say was...
"Wow..." That was all that would come out if my mouth. I've never made an effort in my appearance before and the result just amazed me.
At that moment, Eisuke walked in and our eyes met in the mirror. I got up from the chair and walked over to him.
"So... what do you think?" I was curious to know the answer considering I looked like roadkill before compared to now.
"Fine feathers make fine birds." He said and then turned around and walked out. Wait, was that an insult? That was definitely an insult...! And just when I thought he was being nice. I take it back.

I jogged to keep up with him as we were going towards the elevator. I got up the courage to ask something that I was wondering.
"Hey, can I ask you something?" I only got silence as a reply. "U-um... I'll take that as a yes. Well... why can't you just be honest with your feelings...? Would it kill you to tell me that I look nice...?" I looked up at his face and I figured he wasn't listening because he just faced forward as we walked.
We got the elevator and as soon as the doors closed Eisuke pushed me against the wall. He put his hands at either side of me to prevent me from escaping his grasp. I had no choice but to look up at him.
"Listen. You belong to me. You will only speak when I tell you to speak. Got it?" I nodded my head rapidly and he slowly let me go. My heart was beating a mile a minute and there was nothing I could do to slow it down.
We continued down the elevator in silence. Why was he getting so defensive? Maybe he just likes his privacy... Now I feel bad...
"We're here. Come on." He walks out and I try my best to keep up with him.
"U-uh... can I ask where we're going...?" The hesitance in my voice was obvious as I didn't want to make him mad again.
"We're going to the I.V.C." The what now?
"What's that?" He stopped and turned around to face me. I almost slammed into him.
"o put it in simple terms, it's a rich people party." Oh... Wait... We're going to a party?! "Just do as I say,and don't do anything unnecessary." He held out his arm to me gesturing for me to put my arm around his. I did as I was told and we proceeded to the party.
In front of me I could see huge doors that most likely led to I.V.C. I clutched onto his arm without even thinking. Well... wish me luck...

To be continued...

Hii! I finally finished this chapter! YAY! 😝 I'll try to get the next chapter up soon but I have homework and exams. 😁 Anyway, I hope you liked it!

Bye for now! 👋

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