Here Comes Trouble - Chapter 5

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"Mm... five more minutes..." I mumbled as I turned over in bed to silence my alarm. It was Friday, and we were to continue the photoshoot but it didn't start until the afternoon.
"This bed is so soft..." I was comfortable in the big king sized bed. "I should really get one of these for back home..." I was tempted to steal the bed if I had to. I slowly closed my eyes to drift off to sleep but a sudden loud noise interrupted my sleepiness.
"Ahh...! What the hell?!" I immediately jolted up, surprised by the noise. I looked over to see Eisuke standing in the doorway. "W-What're you doing in here?!" He could've at least knocked!
"Get up. Get dressed. You have 10 minutes." Oh wow... 5 more minutes than last time. After he had said what he needed he left the room. Where are we going...? Damn, and I was going to have a nice long sleep...
I got out of bed and noticed that Eisuke had left clothes on a chair by the door. Very fancy clothes, if I might add. I ran into the bathroom and had the quickest shower in my life, brushed my teeth, and all that fun stuff. By the time I had finished that I had about 5 minutes left to get the clothes on. It was a mint green summer dress with a belt around the waist. This is cute. I thought as I hurriedly shimmied the dress on. I then out on the nude colour heels that were sitting on the floor. It'll be a miracle if I can walk in these heels... I got up from the chair slowly to adjust. I wobbled but managed to latch onto the wall before I could fall. This is going to go well...

With about a minute to spare I made my way slowly down to the lounge. I gripped onto the railing tightly to keep my balance and so I didn't fall down the stairs. I glanced over to see that everyone was there. Ota and Baba were sitting on the red couch. Soryu was standing a little ways away on the phone. Kishi was over by the window, smoking. And Eisuke was standing by the door, probably waiting for me. When I was near the bottom of the stairs, Baba noticed me and called out.
"Hey, Olivia!" I looked over and smiled, but as I was taking another step down I missed and began to topple.
"Ahh!" I tired to grab into the railing but it slipped out of my hand and I went crashing down. Or so I was anticipating. It was at that moment that I felt the arms around me, preventing me from falling. I looked up from my position. It was Baba.
"Are you alright?" He asked, snapping me out of my panic.
"Oh... yeah, I'm fine. Thank you..." I realised I was clinging to him, scrunching up his suit. "Oh! S-Sorry...!" I quickly straightened myself out and let go of his jacket.
"I'm just glad you're okay. It would be a shame if a lovely girl as yourself got hurt." He reached out to kiss my hand and I let him because I figured I owe him that much.
"Well... thank you, again. And sorry for crumpling your jacket..." I reached out to smooth his jacket and when I had finished I looked up and our faces were inches apart. I couldn't look away, until someone called out.
"Hey, if you're done making goggly eyes at each other, let's go." I looked over to see Eisuke with a not so pleased look on his face. Oh crap! I completely forgot! I thanked Baba once again and did the best I could to jog over to Eisuke. He clicked his tongue and turned to walk out the door. I followed him out, trying my best not to fall again.

We got into the elevator and not a word was exchanged the whole way down. When we got to the lobby he immediately started walking and I did my best to keep up with him. Before he went out the door leading to the outside, he abruptly stopped and I slammed into his back.
"Ow...!" I knocked my nose hard on his back and I felt it starting to bleed. Great.
"Watch where you're going." I rubbed my nose as he said that.
"You were the one who just suddenly stopped... Do you have a tissue...? I think my nose is bleeding." I did my best to keep the blood from flowing out and he looked at me weirdly. "What?"
"Nothing." He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a silk handkerchief. "Here."
"Oh... but I'll get blood on it..." I hesitated at first, but he insisted and I needed up taking it. "Thanks." After about a minute my nose had stopped bleeding. "I'll wash this and return it, I mean, I don't think you'll want it back right now..."
"No, keep it." He didn't look at me. "Come on." He walked out of the hotel and I rushed up to him, an then it hit me that I didn't even know where we were going. Before I could ask a limo pulled up in front of us and the chauffeur got out and opened the door. Eisuke immediately got in but I didn't know how to react.
"Hurry up." Eisuke's voice snapped me back to reality and I quickly got in, thanking the chauffeur. We started moving and I decided to ask.
"Eisuke...? Where are we going...?" I bit my lip at how nervous I was. Where does a multi-millionaire go this early...?
"The airport." Oh, right, the airport- Wait, the airport?! Are we going somewhere?! But I have work...!
"W-Why are we going to the airport...?" My eyes were wide from shock, thinking of all the possibilities.
"Just sit quietly. You'll find out soon enough." He didn't give me a proper answer and that just made me more worried about where we were going. So the whole journey was nothing but silence until Eisuke's phone went off.
"Hello?" His stern voice filled the once quiet limo. "Yes... Yes, I'm on my way now." And with that he hung up. I wanted to ask who it was but figured he wouldn't tell me anyway so I just kept my mouth shut. "Well you're awfully quiet." I could see the smirk on his face.
"What's wrong with me being quiet?" I raised an eyebrow at his statement. It honestly annoyed me a little. He doesn't know a thing about me.
"Nothing, just thought you'd be nosy and ask who was on the phone." Did he just call me nosy?
"Hey...! I am not nosy!" After I said that, I realised I had raised my voice more than I expected to. I covered my mouth and blushed bright red.
"Heh. That's more like it." I rolled my eyes and faced away from him, not talking for the rest of the journey.

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