The Confession? - Chapter 12

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"Eisuke..." I breathed out his name as he took a step closer to me.
"Making me come after you. You've been a very bad girl." He grabbed my chin making me look up at him.
"B-But..." Before I could begin to say anything else, he smacked his lips onto mine.
At first the kiss was sweet and light, like floating on air, but seconds after it turned deep and I could feel myself getting light-headed from the passion. For what felt like eternity, we stood in the doorway holding each other until he finally pulled away. As soon as he did I was gasping for breath. I've never had a kiss like that before...
"Heh." As he was still holding my chin, he chuckled, making me confused. "What? Do you want more?" I looked down, causing him to let go of my chin. I brought my hands up to my cheeks to hide them. The heat emitting from the transferred over to my hands. I tried to compose myself and say something but it was difficult considering how flustered I was. The surprising turn of events completely threw me. I cleared my throat and took a deep breath before speaking.
"W-What are you doing here...?" Dammit... My voice came out shaky and I looked down again so he wouldn't see my face go bright red again.
"Something of mine went missing, and I'm here to retrieve it." He grabbed my wrist before giving it a light tug, making me step a little out of my apartment.
"What?" I asked, forgetting about my previous embarrassment. Confusion must've been written all over my face because he turned his body straight to me and explained.
"You're coming back to Japan with me." What?! He had the calmest expression on his face while I was both confused and shocked. I didn't say anything and neither did he. We stood in the hallway of my apartment building staring into each other's faces. That was until Eisuke broke the silence. "Come on." He started to pull on my wrist which had his hand still wrapped around it. I, however, stopped before we reached the elevator. When he realised, he turned around and let go of my wrist.
"...I can't." He looked at me as if I was insane. Maybe I was. Before I voiced my reason I looked down at my feet so I wouldn't have to see his face. "I've just... I've worked so hard these past few months and I'm finally getting recognised as a photographer. If I went back with you, it would ruin all the progress I've made..." After I had said my peace I waited for a response. Nothing. I gingerly lifted my head to see his face and I was greeted with his usual business-like expression, no emotion whatsoever. I was hesitant to say something but he spoke up before I could.
"You really are a strange girl..." He said under his breath, thinking I didn't hear. He then lifted his head to meet my gaze and opened his mouth to speak. "I'm not leaving." He said with conviction all through his voice. ...What?
I looked at him with a blank expression on my face, thinking he was joking. ...He's not moving. I thought he would just leave without saying anything else, but he just stood there as we looked at each other.
"Are you not going inside?" He cocked his head towards my open apartment door as he said that.
"Huh? Then where are you going?" I raised an eyebrow, patiently waiting for his answer.
"I'm going in with you, of course." Huh?! I hung my mouth open a little from the sudden comment and looked at him as my hair began to fall over my face. Walking closer to me, Eisuke tucked the stray piece of hair behind my ear and lifted my chin to close my gaping mouth. "Let's go." And with that, he walked past me and headed inside my apartment. He's... Oh wait! I didn't clean!
"U-Um...! Eisuke...!" I ran after him and quickly slammed the door shut before running around Eisuke, who was standing in the entrance, in an attempt to clean the place. I must've seemed like a mad woman, running around, throwing clothes into the washing basket from the couch. Eisuke didn't say a word through the whole thing. Well... if he didn't look down on me before, he certainly does now. I frantically gathered all of the documents and pictures that were sitting on the coffee table and put them into a - somewhat neat - pile.

For almost five minutes I went back and forth, cleaning up the mess I had made. Why today of all days?!
"Are you done running around like a headless chicken yet?" I lifted my head to see Eisuke, still standing in the entryway, with his arms crossed and a displeased look on his face. I took a quick glance down to the stack of paper I was holding and put it in the drawer that was behind me.
"U-Uh..." I didn't know what to say or do after he had just witnessed that whole ordeal. He rolled his eyes before walking towards the couch and sitting back into it. He didn't say anything and began to look around the room which made me nervous.
"You live here?" I was still standing and turned my gaze to look at him after he asked that question. I silently nodded, not wanting to answer the question verbally. "Heh, it's no bigger than a pig sty. Looks like one too."
"What?!" I couldn't help but voice my shock. He just called my apartment, my home, a pig sty. How did I ever fall for him...?
"What? You practically had the floor covered with clothes and trash when I walked in here." He gave a smirk, knowing I couldn't say anything to retaliate seeing as how it was pretty much true. I faced away from him for a few seconds to take a deep breath and turned back to him with a smile plastered on my face.
"Do you want anything? Coffee, I presume?" I think the huge smile on my face fazed him a little but he swiftly hid it with his normal expression.
"Yes. Just bring the milk and sugar out here." He waved me off with his hand and looked over to the window next to the couch.
"Okay!" I acted cheerful to make up for all the mistakes I had made earlier. Even though he was a jerk, I was still happy that he suddenly showed up. I didn't expect it to happen in a million years, but there he was, sitting in my living room. I had a genuine smile on my face as I poured the coffee and put the milk and sugar into separate little jars. I remembered how he liked his coffee but I thought it was better to just do as he said. I put everything onto a small tray and carried a cup of coffee, milk and sugar out and sat it on the coffee table. Eisuke sat up and reached out for the milk but I put my hand on it first which caused our hands to touch lightly. I felt a slight blush rush to my cheeks but I tried to ignore it and continue on with what I was doing. "Would you like me to pour it?" He raised his eyebrow at the question but returned to his smirk.
"Go ahead." He made a gesture with his hand and sat back on the couch, allowing me to move my hand and pour the milk in and then put the sugar in. I remembered how much Eisuke liked sweet things. It's funny, he doesn't seem like the type with a sweet tooth. I giggled softly to myself as I finished putting in the sugar and passed it to Eisuke. I subtlety watched him take a sip, wanting to know if I got it right. I'm sure he'll tell me if I got it wrong.
Surprisingly, he didn't say anything. He just continued to drink from the cup and look over to the window every now and then. While sitting on the floor I looked over to see the city view shining through the glass. What is he looking at?
I couldn't ask him because he abruptly got up from the couch and walked over to the window, coffee still in hand. I looked over in confusion but stood up from my place on the floor and walked up behind him. I wanted to ask him what he was so interested in but I didn't want to disturb his thoughts.
The room was silent for a couple of minutes before Eisuke broke that silence.
"I never thought I would come back here." Huh? What does he mean 'come back?' I didn't voice my confusion but instead of standing behind him, I took a step so I was standing next to him, looking out to the view of London. Even though I tried to look out the window, my gaze wandered over to Eisuke. I didn't say anything and neither did he as he stared out at the city with an unreadable expression.
All of a sudden he turned his head to look at me which caused me to quickly avert my eyes.
"Heh. You're not going to ask?" He leaned forward to try to see my face but at that moment I turned back around only to come face-to-face - literally - to Eisuke. Our noses were touching ever so slightly and I was frozen to the spot. He stared deep into my eyes, not allowing me to answer his previous question. A few seconds later I snapped back into reality and tried to move away, but before I could Eisuke grabbed the back of my head and kept my face close to his. My heart as beating like crazy and I was sure he could hear it. "I'll ask again. Are you not going to ask?"
"U-Uh, n-no, I mean... you don't have to tell me, but you can if you want and if you don't then that's fi-" My words go cut off by a sudden kiss. It wasn't just a peck on the lips either, which caught me off guard.
When he pulled away I couldn't do anything but stare in both confusion and shock. The two emotions that turned on and off repeatedly that day.
"You... are strange." Strange? Me? He's the one who keeps kissing me! When I thought of that, I suddenly got frustrated. He's been stealing kisses from me ever since he got here...! And he has the nerve to call me strange? He let go of my chin and walked to the couch but before he could sit, something inside me exploded.
"I'm the one who's strange? You're the one who's been catching me off-guard and kissing me!" I faced him as I lashed out my thoughts but he showed no emotion and only stood in front of the coffee table after putting his cup down. "You know what? How about, instead of just doing whatever you like with people you should try to consider their feelings a little more! Well, Mr. Eisuke Ichinomiya? Don't you have anything to say?" I placed my hands on my hips, waiting for his response. Silence. Ugh...! He's really...! I couldn't hold back and walked up to him, ready to lash out at him again but I was instead pulled forward. Noticing Eisuke's hand around my arm I tried to get out of his grip but when he noticed my struggle he tightened his hold on me. He then brought his other hand to my face, almost gripping my whole face with his hand, making me look into his eyes.
"You really are strange." He smirked as he looked deep into my eyes. Before I got lost in his light brown eyes, I tried to reply back to his comment.
"Hey! Just because your rich and powerful doesn't me-" Again, I was cut off by his lips slamming onto mine in a sudden kiss.
"Don't you understand? You're mine." I'm... his? Wait, is this... a confession...? I didn't have time to process what he had just said because he pulled me in for another kiss. This time, it was passionate and I was starting to feel weak from the forceful, yet loving kiss. His feelings emitted through the kiss and I understood what his previous words meant. I couldn't hold back my feelings any longer and brought my hands up to sit around his neck. The emotions that I had tried to keep hidden for the past months were finally starting to resurface and I wasn't going to try to bury them again. The kiss turned deep in almost an instant. His lips were rough and smooth, and moved around in circles, fitting perfectly with mine. My knees were starting to grow weak but Eisuke held my waist, ensuring that I stayed standing. His arms didn't stay around my waist for long as they went down to wrap under my legs which he then lifted to put around his waist. I automatically responded by jumping up a little bit was still nervous about the whole thing. He walked us over to the couch and sat down so that I was straddling him. I pulled away from the kiss for a moment to catch my breath but Eisuke didn't stop as his lips continued to go down to my neck, this causing my head to lean back in pleasure.
"Eisuke..." I moaned out. At that moment, he sucked on my neck causing me to wince a little both in pain and pleasure.
"You're not getting away tonight." All I could do was nod at his words as his lips started to travel lower.
We spent a very passionate night, using no words to express the feelings we had for each other.
I love you, Eisuke...

To be continued...

Hi! Another chapter in only a few days! Don't know how I managed to do it but I did! 😄
Probably should've been doing homework instead but... IT WAS WORTH IT 👍
I'm still trying to come up with an ending for this book 😕 Not sure if the next chapter will be the end or if it will be the chapter after that! I might even keep it going on after the actual ending, I'm not sure! 😝
If you guys want it to keep going on, I could probably do that! If not then... uh... I'll start a new book? I don't know! 😂
You guys can decide! Keep going with this story? Or make a new story after finishing this one? 😊

Bye for now! 👋

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