It's Showtime - Chapter 6

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I opened the door to the suite and made my way down the stairs where everyone was gathered. Baba and Ota must've arrived at some point because they were lounging on the couch, while Eisuke and Soryu stood by the door. The heels I had on were shorter and easier to walk in. Did Eisuke notice that I had trouble last time? Well, well, who knew he could be so considerate... I got to the bottom of the stairs and Ota was the first to notice me.
"Hey Oliv- Wow..." At that, everyone else turned around to look at me. Oh god, do I look okay...?
"W-What...?" I thought maybe the dress didn't look good on me.
"You look beautiful." Baba said, looking at me with a soft smile on his face. He got up and walked over to me.
"Oh... really...? I probably look weird... I'm still not used to wearing this kind of thing..." I was kind of self conscious considering the dress I was wearing was a little revealing. The long, evening dress had a slit that went up to my thigh and I was trying my best to keep my skin from being too exposed. Of course, no one else noticed my distress.
"Come on. We're going to be late if you don't hurry." Eisuke said from beside the door with a deadly scowl on his face, Soryu didn't say anything as he stood there with his usual blank expression.
"O-Okay...! I'm coming!" I ran over to the door, making sure I didn't fall over from my clumsiness.
"Have fun!" I heard Baba shout from the lounge.
"Don't do anything naughty~!" Wha-?! Ota, what do you mean by that?! I didn't have time to question him as I was literally pushed out the penthouse door.
All three of us got into the elevator and it was even more awkward than when it was just me and Eisuke. I was standing in the middle of the two of them, with the them towering over me with their height. I can't believe we had to cancel the photoshoot... All for Eisuke's selfish needs... I silently sent him a glare, making sure he didn't see my face.
When we heard the ding, we walked out of the elevator and into the lobby. Eisuke pulled me close to him.
"Woah...!" I almost tripped over my own feet but Eisuke supported me and put an arm around my waist.
"Watch where you're going." You were the one who caused that...! I grumbled inwardly as we continued to walk out of the lobby. I could see the limo we rode in this morning outside and Carolina was standing next to it, waving enthusiastically.
"Eisuke~! Soryu~!" Soryu didn't listen to Carolina as he went ahead and climbed into the limo. Carolina ran up to Eisuke and latched onto his other arm while he kept his other one around my waist.
"Eisuke come on~! Daddy's waiting~!" Eisuke shook her off of his arm and walked towards the limo. "Eisuke you're so cold and I love it!" Carolina exclaimed from behind us as we went into the limo to go to our destination.

About an hour or so later we had arrived at a very expensive looking restaurant. Woah... I stood in front of it in awe. If the outside looks this impressive then I can't even imagine what the inside must look like. My thoughts were interrupted by a pain in my forehead.
"Ow...!" I brought a hand up to my forehead and rubbed it. It was then that I realised that it was Eisuke who had flicked my forehead.
"Stop looking around like that. It's creepy." Soryu had already went into the restaurant and Carolina was walking in front of us. Eisuke whispered so she wouldn't hear. "You're my girlfriend, remember?" He had his trademark smirk on his face as he pulled me along.
"Yeah... I know." I kept an emotionless face as his hand stayed around my waist.
"Eisuke~!!" Carolina yelled from the restaurant entrance. Eisuke gave a little nod in Carolina's direction before returning his eyes to me.
"Remember to behave. I might just have to punish you if you don't." My face froze at that comment because I knew exactly what he was talking about. I don't even want to think about it... Eisuke escorted me into the restaurant where we were then brought to a private room. When we walked in the door there was a man sitting at the table, apparently waiting for our arrival. Soryu was already sat down at the table, quietly surveying the room. I did the same but made sure to conceal the obvious stares I was making. Carolina sat next to the man and spoke some Japanese to him, Eisuke then bowed to the man and ushered me to do the same which I quickly did.
"Mr. Bucci, I'd like to introduce Olivia, my girlfriend." Eisuke introduced me and I bowed again. "Olivia, this is Mr. Bucci, my business partner, the one I've been telling you about." Eisuke turned to me with a smile. You never told me anything about him...!
"I-It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Bucci." I said as I looked at his face. I was rather intimidated by him. I didn't know what it was, his whole aura was intimidating.
"Wow, Eisuke, you've gone and got yourself a nice girl. Never thought you'd be one to settle down though, and with a western girl nonetheless!" Mr. Bucci seemed surprised by the whole concept of me being Eisuke's girlfriend, but thankfully, he didn't pry. "Oh, what am I doing? Come on, sit down. Have a drink."
Eisuke gestured with his hand towards the table, something like what a butler would do. He then proceeded to pull out my chair so I could sit down. He's being awfully gentlemanly... I guess that's because this is all for show. Eisuke didn't have an ounce of kindness in his body from what he showed. I still couldn't believe that I had to help him.
Once we had all settled down, the drinks flowed as well as the conversation, which I wasn't a part of. Most of it was in Japanese which left me to quietly eat the food and drink the wine. I must've drank a lot because I could feel my face grow hot but I quickly put my hands on my cheeks to try to cool myself down. As I was cooling down ever so slowly I noticed a glass of water was placed in front of me. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked over to see Eisuke still talking to Mr. Bucci. Did he notice...? I picked up the glass and drank about half. I felt a little better as the water slid down my throat. As I was about to take another sip of the water I looked up and saw Eisuke looking at me with a little smile on his face. Or was it a smirk...? I couldn't tell as I was still a little tipsy as they went back to their conversation. During all this, Soryu stayed quiet unless he was spoken to. Eisuke talked to him many times during the meal. Soryu honestly didn't look happy to be there - not that he's exactly jolly any other time.

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