Chapter 2

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It was Monday and school has started.  Zoran was nervous to be going with so many people.  All his life he was basically alone or had his parents which didn't give him exposure to many people at one time.  It was overwhelming to say the least.  His new dad Matt is a science and math teacher at Hawkins High and his mom Joni is the new principal at the school after Principal Coleman left just before the school year started.  With the late start at Hawkins High his parents managed to be late for their new jobs.  Zoran hoped people don't hate him and look at him like a freak like Thelonius Jaha did in their tent in the Dead Zone. The entity who brought him to Hawkins fixed his face and only wavy skin in the affected areas of his left cheek to his mouth look out of place.  He looks much better and can talk better also.  He hopes he sees the boy he saw this weekend on his bike.  That person looked to be friendly and kind.

After Nancy Wheeler gave Zoran a tour of the school and where his classes were, first period was almost over.  Zoran was told by Nancy that he looked alot like her brother Mike and he should meet him sometime. 

Second period was psychology/ economics class.  The class was divided up for the year and all sophmores were in the class.  Mr. Philby, the teacher, introduced Zoran to the class.  Will finally had a name for the boy and was exited to see him.  Zoran was nervous and had his head slightly down. 

"Class, this is Zoran Efta.  Zoran comes from Chicago.  His mom is the new principal and his dad is the new science and math teacher.  Please welcome him to Hawkins High.  Zoran, you can take the empty desk by William over there."  Mr. Philby pointed to the desk and Zoran went to the desk.  When he looked at Will, Will turned a shade of pink.

"Looks like we have a second frogface in the school.  He is more messed up than Wheeler."  Troy said aloud while some of the guys laughed.  Poor Zoran held his head down.

"Mr. Walsh, one more comment out of you and you will be sent to the principal's office."  Mr. Philby warned Troy.  The laughter stopped and the lesson began.

The four periods before lunch went by fast.  Will was sitting alone in the cafeteria when Zoran was looking for a place to sit.  Zoran was carrying a lunch tray when he spotted a intense energy signature (his training included ocular improvements to spot people like himself) sitting alone.  Zoran went to the boy.

"Hi I am Zoran.  Do you mind if I sit down?"  Will had a hint of a smile on his face.

"Yes please sit."  Will finally gets to meet Zoran and he is happy.

Zoran sat next to Will.  "You are William right.  I sit next to you in a couple classes.  Do you want to be my friend?"  Zoran asked in an innocent, childlike manner.

"My name is William Byers but I prefer to be called Will.  And yes I would like to be your friend.  How do you like Hawkins High so far?"  Will hoped he wasn't bullied too badly on his first day.

"This is the first school I attended.  In Chicago I was homeschooled by my aunt.  My parents thought it would be good for me to attend school."  Zoran sticked to the script his new parents fabricated for him.

"You aren't missing much Zoran.  School can be..."  Will never got to finish his sentence as Troy Walsh and James approached them.

"Well, well what do we have here.  A fairy and discount frogface.  What the heck Will, do you miss your boyfriend and his band of freaks so much that you latched on to his double."

"Just go away Troy.  We aren't in the mood for your comments."  Will looked at Troy with a semblance of anger.

"Ever since you got back from the land of fruits and nuts you are a real bitch Byers.  I just came to welcome our new classmate to Hawkins."  Troy had his hands on Zoran's shoulders squeezing.  "Come James let's go."  Troy knew Will could fight back now with his physique and Zoran is a wild card with his Mom being principal and all so Troy will just pick on another group for now.

A Friend I Need.   Zoran And Will Byers with Byler Content Where stories live. Discover now