Chapter 9 - Aftermath

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It was 1 o'clock the next day and Mike woke up from his deep sleep. His body ached from the kicks while his face throbbed from the punches he recieved. His chest hurt on one side from being kicked because one of his ribs were damaged. One of his eyes was aching and was almost swollen shut. He kind of remembered his Mom holding ice in a hand towel over his eye last night but he fell into sleep. He remembers her sobbing and running her other hand through his hair. He must of looked as terrible as he felt for her to cry because she almost never does. Karen went home earlier to take care of Holly and Ted while Nancy stayed but was downstairs with Joyce and El. Will was in the basement painting. Mike got out of bed and his body protested his sudden movement. He went for the desk chair to sit down. At the desk Mike saw a Mead sprial notebook with a blue cover. Mike was curious and shouldn't look into Will's stuff but Mike needs to know what he is up to.

Mike opened up the notebook and found something he wasn't expecting to find. There was a story about a young boy living in a apocalyptic environment that ran across Grounder guardsmen and Sky people. The first page said part 2 on the top. Some elements of the story were pulled from a D&D campaign Will wrote but Mike doesn't fully remember. This was the campaign of Will's from that summer that Lucas and Mike scoffed at when Will tried to get them to play. Mike wishes he could go back and change how things were that summer because he was an ass to Will. Anyway Mike scanned the story; it was very interesting to Mike. It was well written and looked worth it for Mike to read the whole thing. Mike saw a note after the story reminding Will to write it on Zoran's computer and then send in the story to a fantasy magazine as a submission. Mike was floored that Will liked writing. Mike seen something in the outline that basically said to ask Zoran about details on his parents Sienna and Osias trying to find the City of Light in his time in the Dead Zone and why they traded a man's life for a horse to find said city. Was this a plot point or is it real? The way Will wrote it and who or what Will is keeping hidden in his mind makes Mike think this is something more than a plot point. Mike always found something odd about Zoran. Not in the way he acts but in the way he just came out of nowhere to befriend Will and teach him to mindshare. Mike put those thoughts away when he heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Mike hobbled to the bed before someone entered the room.

"Oh you are awake Mike. Are you in pain?" Mike was relieved it was Nancy.

"Yes I'm in pain but I am glad you are here. How did Mom react to seeing me like this?" Mike was worried for his Mom.

"She is scared but is hopeful Hopper will find out who hurt you. Can you tell me what happened Mike?" Nancy sat next to Mike and looked at him expectedly.

"I will tell you but I can't right now. Hopper asked me not to say anything for a day or two so he can work on the investigation. I think we should listen to Hopper this time. He is working on something that is big." Nancy considered his words.

"I need to know but I will trust Hopper for now. I will tell Mom that you aren't quite sure about the events so far if she asks." Nancy is going to dig but will wait a day.

"Is Will here? I would like to talk to him."

"He's painting in the basement. I will tell him you are awake. You aren't going to tell him what you know and not me, are you?" Mike was going to but a little later. He was scared of ruining what Hopper is working on.

"No, not yet. I want to tell you all soon though." Nancy relaxed and went to get Will.

Will showed up to his room with Jane after being summoned. "I brought Jane with because she is concerned also. Do you have anything hurting or broken?" Will was super concerned.

"The worst is my right side ribs hurt. I am sure one is damaged but other than that I am sore. Thanks for taking care of me last night." Mike reached out for Will's hand.

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