Chapter 7 - Old Ends, New Beginnings

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Will felt bad for Lucas when he fireballed him. Was he okay or did he do damage? Will decided to go to the Sinclairs before he went home. It was 4 o'clock when he made it to the Sinclairs.

"Hi Mrs. Sinclair, is Lucas home?" Will tried to project fake enthusiasm.

"Yeah, I think he is home. Lucas are you home?" Mrs. Sinclair shouted.

"Yes I am Mom."

"Please come down, your friend is here." Sue walked away while Will waited.

Lucas started down the stairs and his face twisted as he stared at Will. "You're lucky my parents are here or I would beat your ass down. Why are you here?"

"I wanted to apologize for what happened at the arcade. I hope you are fully ok." Will felt like crap for hurting him. While Lucas glared at him, Will explained to Lucas what happened. "I didn't mean to use my powers on you. When things got heated it sort of came out at the time and I didn't have any control over it. That was the first time I felt the powers because they were dormant before, unless you count the battle with Vecna which I don't remember using them."

Lucas spoke. "So Will, you are saying your powers manifested when you were trying to defend Zoran. It angered me when I was at the bad end of your powers. I was knocked down for a short time and every nerve burned. It was very painful. Are you saying you didn't mean to use them on me?"

"I didn't mean to hurt you like that Lucas." Will told him.

"Ok, I have a question to ask you then." Will nodded yes. "Would you have used your powers against me if you had full control of them at the time?" Lucas asked Will.

"No, I would of still shoved you away from Zoran but without hurting you with powers. It might be a foolish decision since you are very strong." Lucas had a inscrutable look.

"I believe you Will. After what happened I can't ever be friends with you again. I think you should leave." Will turned around and left Lucas's house.

Will decided to go to Mike's house since he lived on the same street as Lucas. When Will got to the door Mrs. Wheeler answered it. "Hi Mrs. Wheeler, is Mike home?"

"Oh Will, it is nice to see you." Karen said nicely. "He is in his room." Will walked up to Mike's room and knocked on his door.

"Who is it?" Mike asked annoyingly. "It's me Will, can I come in?"

The door open up as Will was grabbed by the wrist and pulled in. Will noticed the door was missing its lock and his carpeting was a different shade of Grey from his last carpet.

"Why are you here Will?" Mike arched his eyebrows at Will wanting an answer.

"I have to tell you something that happened to me today. I want you to hear it from me first."

"What is it Will?"

"I had an altercation with Lucas at the arcade today..." Will told Mike about what happened and Mike's face showed everything from wide eyes to his mouth hanging open.

"I told you this so you aren't blindsided when you go back to school." Will knew that Mike was kept on a short leash since his 'accident' so he couldn't go out for a bit.

"So you were just at Lucas's house earlier to apologize. Why were you apologizing Will? It sounds like he started this whole brawl. Did he apologize back?" Will grabbed the back of his neck and looked down while not saying nothing. "Friends don't lie Will." Mike's brown eyes bored into Will's eyes.

"Uh, no he didn't apologize or even acknowledge he did anything wrong. He did say we could never be friends again because of what happened." Will felt kind of angry but also sad because he knew Lucas for close to 8 years and now it was over.

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