Chapter 6 -Replacements

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Zoran was thinking about the last couple days.  Will and him were studying for the test so they were learning some new things.  When they traded memories Zoran found out Will liked guys romantically.  It didn't bother Zoran due to him not caring about it.  He didn't understand why people made a big deal about who you loved.  Will loved Mike and Zoran wasn't mad or jealous about it at all.  Zoran didn't have such feelings for another person.  Sure he cared for his parents, adopted and his biological, but he didn't feel romantic feelings for anyone.  Will would be the closest person he would have feelings for.  Other than liking cuddling with Will and holding him, he has no other feelings for him other than comfort.  Zoran figured living cast out from his tribe might have made him into a loner and killed any romantic feelings for anybody. 


Mike was at home finally and it is Saturday the 22nd of November.  His room had new carpet since the old one was destroyed.  His Mom and Nancy cleaned the room of everything but his bed and notebooks of his journals and clothes.  The Party is coming over today but all Mike can think about is seeing Will again.  He would make him feel comfortable and not judge him too harshly like his parents and sister has done.  He really doesn't want to see the Party right now because it could be overwhelming. 

Mike had been thinking about what Zoran said the day of his punching Will.  He said that Will and him shared memories so they knew everything about each other.  People can't do that so Max must be right about Will being not the same as us.  Is Zoran also from another place?  Mike needs to ask Will.  As he was thinking, his door opened with his Mom looking at him.

"Michael dear, your friends are in the basement.  You might want to see them."  Mike looked less than thrilled.

"Okay Mom, I will go see them."  Mike made his way down to the basement.  When he got down he saw Max, Lucas, Dustin, and Jane.  They hugged and welcomed Mike.  Mike saw the bathroom door open and a boy named Craig stepped out.  He is in their grade.

"Why is Craig here?"  Mike asked Dustin.

"Lucas said he is a good guy.  We thought that we should replace Byers to keep the same dynamics in the Party."  Mike winced at that.

"What is wrong with you guys.  You can't replace Will.  He was one of the original members of the Party."  Mike started to get angry that they didn't care about his wishes or respect Will. 

"Calm down Mike.  He will be a good addition to the Party."  Lucas put a reassuring hand on Mike's shoulder.

"How could you replace Will?  Why is Craig so much better?"  Jane was confused and wanted answers.

"Jane, we need to move on.  It is better if we do by making new friends."  Max was trying to get Jane to see their reasons.

"Well this is wrong.  I am leaving.  Bye."  Jane left the basement to go home.  Mike didn't want to lose Jane.  She was the link back to Will and the Byers and the only one in the group that is decent anymore.  Mike looked around and saw Dustin and Craig eating Mike's bag of nacho cheese Doritos that he was saving and laughing with each other.  He wanted to share them with Will while they talked.  Mike feels like he is no longer in control and isn't the leader anymore since eyeryone else is making the decisions.  He talked a little with the Party and sent them home early before lunch saying he needed rest.  They were disappointed since they planned on staying all day doing activities in his basement.  Maybe he can get Will to stay over since he cannot leave home until his family trusts him again.

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