Chapter 11 - Waiting for a New Start

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Mike and Will went to Zoran's house to ask Joni and Matt about Mike going with to boarding school. When they arrived the boys were brought in by Zoran. "What do I owe to this nice surprise?" Zoran said while Mike looked at him and almost busted out laughing. "That's a new way of saying 'what are you doing here.' " Will said out loud. "Well I don't want to sound disrespectful, especially with you Will." Zoran smiled at him. Mike rolled his eyes while Zoran was talking to Will. "Zoran, can we talk to your parents? You can come since this will affect you also." "Sure, come in and I'll go get them."

While Zoran went to get his parents Mike and Will sat down at the dining room table. "Hey guys what are you thinking about." Joni asked Will and Mike. "Uh, Mrs. Efta, do you think Mike can come with us to boarding school. He's my oldest best friend and I think he should go with us." Mike was surprised that Will felt this way. "Well, I don't know if we can do that Will. Zoran and your paths are planned and Mr. Wheeler has free will. I doubt Mike would like what is going on." Mike felt offended he was talked about like he was not there. "Mrs. Efta, I would really like to be there with Will. I am willing to be locked into certain careers as long as I can be with Will. I don't want to be away from him ever again." "Oh, that is interesting." Joni knew what Mike was getting at. "Well if Mike wants to go he needs a passport, papers for a visa, and he needs to pass the test you two just took. If he can pass, which I doubt, he can go. His schooling and needs will be taken care of. Do you think you can pass this test Mike?" Mike felt a bowling ball drop in his stomach. "I know it is tough but yes I could." "Mom, Will and I will help him study. I think he needs to be with us, it will make things better." Zoran wanted Mike to go with and started to like him as a second friend. "Ok, Mike, do you think your parents will allow you to leave?" "Yes, they will probably be glad if I went, I'll handle that part." "Good, next week we will set you up with a visa and a passport. Now you three can leave for awhile until this afternoon. Here is some money for food and a movie." Joni handed off $40 to Zoran so they could go uptown. The three boys left 10 minutes later.


Wednesday December 24 1986

It's been a hard road for Mike these last 2 1/2 weeks. He had to study all the time while Mrs. Efta tested him. He hated her disappointment because he failed her last two tests. The only good news is that Will and Zoran helped him study, and hung around with him all the time which he isn't complaining about. School was ok until Dustin and Craig cornered him in the bathroom yesterday.  He didn't expect the encounter he had.

"Are you doing ok Wheeler. How are your ribs?" Dustin cornered Mike snickering. "Because of Hopper and yourself I lost Lucas and Max who were our friends. You sided with Byers and now we are offering you one more chance to join us and be our friend." Mike looked at Dustin with a look that was half confused and half humored.  "Dustin, why do we have to be your enemies, we still could be friends.  I know Will would be willing to be your friend again if you just give up this vendetta against him.  He isn't the threat or danger you think he is."  Mike held out hope Dustin would agree.  Dustin had his thinking face on "actually I am still angry about Lucas and Max being sent away, but I would be willing to think about it.  Sorry about your ribs Wheeler."  Dustin left with Craig and Mike thought he agreed way too easily and the apology was not expected.  Either Dustin wants to be friends again or he is up to something.  Mike wants it to be the first thing.


Dustin was sitting at home thinking.  He is missing Lucas and Max but thinks he should take Mike up on his offer.  Dustin needs to know what Will's abilities are and who Zoran is.  Also he doesn't want to quarrel with Mike either because he is outnumbered.  Dustin is too curious and could be the Spy for Lucas and Max.  Dustin plans on feeling out them before, so he needs to meet with them first.  He will talk with Mike after Christmas.

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