Chapter 12 - The Future Awaits

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February 1987

Will and the whole Hawkins High School student body were sitting in a pep rally in the Gymnasium.  Will knew in a week Zoran, Mike and himself will be leaving Hawkins, probably forever.  Will was excited to be leaving this backwater with his friends but he will miss his family.  Will wasn't given much of a choice in the matter so he might as well make the best out of it. 

The Boys Basketball team was being introduced up on stage.  Jason was the Captain of course.  Principal Efta was getting people excited for tonight's game.  Jason gave his usual boilerplate speech about how important this game was.  He looks more dignified then he did on the floor of the old bus. The student body cheered as he psyched them up for a great victory like some old Roman General.  Will realized that this is the perfect way to spend a Friday afternoon.  He looked around and saw Dustin looking down like he didn't want to be there.  After that Saturday, Dustin never talked to any of them, not even Mike.  Will wished Dustin would of given him the benefit of the doubt.  Will wished they were still friends again but that ship sailed.

"Thank you Mr. Carver for your rousing speech.  Now I have some more news for you.  As you know the school day is over as soon as this pep rally is over.  I have one more piece of information to share.  Next week 3 of our students will be leaving for the International Student Union Boarding School near Brussels Belgium.  They will finish their high school careers there.  Congratulations to William Byers, Zoran Efta, and Michael Wheeler who just passed his entrance exams to attend.  Make us in Hawkins proud.  This pep rally is over.  Have a safe and good weekend."  Will noticed Jason Carver staring at him and he nodded at Will.  Will gave a nod back and walked out with Zoran and Mike.  "Boy are people staring at us.  I want to get to the arcade."  Zoran didn't like the extra attention he was getting.  "Relax Zoran, we are semi-famous now."  Will tried to bring the levity they needed.  "Yeah right Will.  They are probably trying to figure out where Belgium is.  Our non-existant geography education in this school is catching up with us."  Mike brought in his two cents. 

The three boys were basically done with school here, the two days they attend next week are just a formality at this point.  Now it is time to enjoy their last weekend in Hawkins.

It was Tuesday of the next week and it is Will's last day in school along with Zoran and Mike.  The three sat with Jane's friends at the lunch table.  "We're so glad you guys came to the victory party Friday night.  It was fun dancing with you Wheeler."  Kylie had a small crush on Mike and spent every moment she was around him to remind him of that.  El was not jealous but Will kind of was.  "Yeah, no problem.  We told Jane that we would attend a party with her so this was our last opportunity to do so."  Mike stated.  "Will, why was Jason staring at you all night.  Do you two know each other or something?  It was creepy like you were his date.  It felt weird him staring when I was dancing with you."  "Wait, he did Marisol?  I guess I didn't realize it.  I only talked to him a handful of times so I don't know.  It's not like I am super interesting or anything."  Will knows exactly why Jason was staring and it wasn't his outfit.  Mike stifled a snort as Mike knows why also.  Zoran and Jane cocked their eyebrows in a quizzical expression at them.  Will wished somebody would change the subject.  "So you three are leaving us for Europe.  I'll miss you guys, especially you Mike.  Will you miss me?"  Mike knew Kylie was being obvious.  The only way she could be more is if she climbed into his lap and made out with him.  Mike wished she would shut-up so he won't have to spend a hour apologizing to Will.  If Hawkins was more open minded he would kiss Will right now as an answer to her  question.  "Yeah, I'll miss all of you, especially you Kylie."  Will is secretly laughing at Mike because he knows how much Mike doesn't want her attention.  Will can't blame Kylie for liking Mike because he is a very good and unique person with statue like looks.  In a way she can see what makes Mike truly special.  "Ouch Michael, that really hurts."  Jane is mock holding her chest while teasing him.  Mike turned a little red at all the attention.  The banter went on for a while and Will thinks that Zoran might be flirting with Jane but he can't be sure, maybe he is misreading it.  All Will knows is this day is the best day of school he had in Hawkins all year.

Wednesday February 25, 1987

The last day of the 3 boys being in Hawkins is today.  In a little over a day they will be in another country going to school.  Will never would of thought this would ever happen in his lifetime.  Will was nervous and excited at the same time.  Will knows he would miss Jane, his parents, and Jonathan the most.  Will asked Jane a while ago if she wanted to go with them and she said no, not really.  I like my new friends and I am happy to be with our parents and to go to High School.  Will was happy she was becoming her own person but he will miss being around her and growing with her.  He felt bad for her when she wrote to Max almost 2 months ago, and Max basically told her that what they had was good but it was over.  Will felt for her trying to keep her friendship with Max alive and Max ending it.  At least it was a clearly communicated break so there was no lingering doubt between them.  The worst is being in a sort of limbo when you don't know what went wrong and thinking you did something wrong but don't know exactly what Will thought. 

Joyce took time off from the store and there is going to be a potluck meal at the Wheeler's at 5 so everyone can see the boys off to their next stop in life.  Will knows that his mother is taking this leaving very hard but she made peace with the fact that Will isn't solely hers. 

"Can you please pass me the salt and pepper?"  Will handed the items to Joyce as they were in the kitchen.  "I can't believe my baby boy is so grown up now.  I thought we would have more time together."  Will's eyes started to tear up from his Mom's admission.  "Do you ever regret taking Mr. Roscotti up on his offer and giving birth to me?  I know I was a source of alot of pain and heartache for you because of what happened in my life.  Why did you become my Mom willingly?"  Will needed to know why she took on the responsibility. 

Joyce stopped her movement and wiped her eyes "I need you to understand I never regretted being your mother, never!  You are one of the best things to ever come into my life.  What happened when you were tied to the Upside Down was not your fault.  Please don't blame yourself for this."  Will broke down and Joyce gave him a hug.  "To tell you the truth I became your Mom at first because I thought I could give Jonathan a better life with a house and some money to make things better.  I'm sorry you had to put up with Lonnie.  I didn't realize he was a piece of slime that was a selfish bastard until it was too late.  He was so charming at first but was preying on my naivete.  The best thing I done is divorcing Lonnie.  Even if I knew how everything turned out I still would choose to be your mother.  You being in my life was a blessing and I am privileged you are my son."  Will is greatful how much he is loved by his Mom.  He will miss her everyday when he is gone.  "I love you too Mom, Now and Forever."  


The boys and the Byers-Hoppers, Wheelers, and Eftas minus Jonathan were at the Wheeler's house.  Karen was telling everyone that she will miss Mike and didn't want him to go, but Ted was happy Mike was getting a better education and earned his way to attending this boarding school.  Will noticed Nancy was kind of jealous of her brother because she knows this is a stepping stone to a great college and better things.  She made a couple comments that Will thought were not warranted.  Nancy knows that Will isn't fully human so she knows Will was involved in Mike going.  All Will could do is smirk at her when she made her comments to Mike who didn't deserve them. 

After eating and visiting, Mrs. Efta loaded up the three boys in the Land Cruiser and drove to Indianapolis because early tomorrow they will fly to NYC en route to Brussels.  After everyone hugging each other and Karen hugging Mike two more times, they left Hawkins passing the Leaving Hawkins sign.  Will went through this in '85, but Will was concerned for Mike since he never left home for an extended period of time.  Zoran went through worse then Will did but Zoran seemed content leaving because he had a mission to complete. 

Will grabbed Mike's hand and intertwined their fingers to give him support for his anxiety leaving home.  Mike looked at Will while Will gave him a supportive smile.  Mike squeezing his hand said everything Will needs to know.

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