Chapter 13 - A Trip of a Lifetime

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June 1989

School was over for Mike, Zoran and Will. They made it, especially Mike who struggled through until the end but started to get the concepts. Will was impressed how Mike powered through, but Mike was always intelligent and didn't have a dumb bone in his body.

Will and Mike are closer then ever as Will and Mike shared their thoughts a few months ago. Mike badgered Will for months until he gave in and opened himself up to Mike. Now Mike is glued to Will's side as he now knows what Will went through in his life and Mike never wants to be away from him again. He is so protective Will can barely go to the bathroom without Mike wanting to follow. Will feels both overwhelmed and happy at the same time because he knows Mike deeply cares for him.

The funny part is that Matt Efta showed Will how to hide certain things during their mindsharing sessions. Matt learned these new techniques from his time visiting Lumar 6 last year which is one of the Supreme Assemblies administrative worlds. Now Will and Zoran are being called to Lumar 6 for orientation / training. They have to leave in a week because it will take 3 days to leave Earth. Mike didn't take this news well at all.

"What do you mean I can't go with you guys to Lumar 6? Who decides who goes or doesn't go? I will talk to them and make sure I can go because I can't lose you again. I don't want to be without you again." Mike was starting to sprial because the stress of being away from Will was getting to Mike.

"It's OK Mike. I'm here and you are fine. I care for you and would never leave you. It is only for three weeks and then I am back for you. Please don't take being left behind personally." Mike intertwined their fingers and a couple tears fell from his brown orbs which Will could fall into he loved looking at them so much. "Will, you don't understand. I treated you so badly when I was younger and now that I know the aftereffects of that I have to make it right. I love you and want to be around you to care for you and protect you. You are the best part of my life and I want to be there with you in all things. I need to go with you." Will hugged the one person he loved so much it hurt sometimes.

"I love you too Mike. I need you very much. I'm so glad you came with to boarding school. I guess we could talk to Carmine to see if you could come with us. I would actually like you to come but I don't control the schedule." Mike held Will "since you are going to make sure I go on this trip, we can concentrate on our other business." Mike pulled Will into him. Afterwards he ran both his hands under Will's shirt, one on his front on his stomach and one on his back. "Mikeeee, what are you doing?" Mike's hot breath tickled Will's skin. "Taking care of you baby. Just relax and let me love you because you deserve to be loved." Mike licked Will's neck before lightly biting and sucking on the spot. Will whimpered and Mike got more aggressive because he was turned on. Will felt a hard object pressing on his butt "Mike, what is pressing against me?" Mike turned red "that is little Mike. He wants to get to know you because he likes you. Do you want to meet him?" Mike was smirking like he had Will in a position to not say no. "Um, I'm not ready for that Mike. I'm kind of nervous going that far." Mike still worked on Will's neck "you are ready Will. I'll be gentle and take my time. I need to feel you, to be one with you, to know you like no one else. I need you to be mine and mine only because I want to give you everything. Let your Paladin give you what you need and deserve. "One day soon Mikey." Only Will can call Mike, Mikey. "Promise." "I guess we'll see." "Willl you can't not promise me." Mike didn't let Will go until Mike was done kissing.


After a couple phone calls, Mike Wheeler was cleared to go with Zoran and himself to Lumar 6. After visiting family the three were shuttled around different places in the US and Europe (to throw off the authorities) until they arrived on an old dairy farm in Wisconsin. As they drove up in the yard sat an old red and white barn. As their vehicle drove in the barn the boys left the car and walked up a wrought-iron sprial staircase into the loft of the barn. Inside the loft was a large round cylinder that spiraled inward. After walking around 3 1/2 times they entered into the center of the cylinder. There was a sliding set of doors that opened. Crossing through the doors revealed the lobby of a rustic cabin like structure you would see at like a ski lodge or something. A man with white hair and a grey collarless suit approached them. "Welcome gentlemen to Lumar 6. May your stay be a pleasant one."

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