One| James

66 2 15

"Do you really think she'll be happy about that?" Hunter laughed as I sat with the boys in our usual spot
Today I was supposed to meet some new girl that my mother is trying to force upon me. I've known about this tradition from the moment I could walk, but I hate it and do not have an intention of humouring it 
Sure, it worked out for my parents and their parents but that doesn't mean it will for me
I don't want one of the prim and perfect girls they keep finding from other families

"She's never happy with James, he keeps ruining her plans" Eldon teased making me roll my eyes
"how about I worry about my mother and you all worry about your parents" I said earning laughter from all three of them 

My family have ways about them that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. I will say that Piper has it worse, she has to bore through etiquette classes day in and day out preparing her to meet whatever husband they decide for her
She won't make it down the isle if I have a say in it
My family is stuck in the dark ages, where we can't make choices for ourselves. Where our parents own us 
And I hate that 
Why should I have had to give everything up to them just because I'm their son?

"Mother dearest is calling!" Hunter smirked as my phone started to vibrate on the table in front of us for the 5th time this hour
"It'll be fine. In about 20 minutes that girl would have left and I'll go home and face her wrath" I said earning an eye roll from all of them

"What if this girl was different though? Did you not want to at least meet her before you say no?" West asked making me raise my brow at him
"Why on earth would I want to do that? If my mum picked her out she's come from the same bucket as the rest of them" I reminded him 
"But what if she isn't? She could be obedient like they want but ultimately could have the same hatred towards it as you" He tried to reason 
That was a possibility I guess however, I don't buy it for a second. All these girls are the same and I have no intention of meeting any of them
I did a few times and can honestly say those are hours of my life I will never get back 


It was late by the time I decided to head home. I had anticipated waiting an hour before heading back but that hour turned into longer the moment Hunter brought out some of his family drama for the week
We all have our quirks and our issues, but the four of us can sort through anything together I guess 

"James Alexander Miller" A stern voice said making me instantly freeze in my tracks not even managing to make it to the bottom of the stairs
"Hi Mum" I grumbled under my breath knowing that I wasn't going to escape this without her full wrath 

"Do not Hi mum me. You were supposed to be here today to meet your new fiancé" She said making me screw up my face
"I don't have a fiancé, I have girls who you want me to marry but like-" I started but she was quick to shake her head
"Do you not remember our last deal, to avoid your consequences you made a deal with your father and I. That the next girl we found would be the one you marry" She said making me widen my eyes
Damn.. she was serious about that one?

"Mum you can't be serious? I can't just marry someone because you said so! What if she doesn't want to marry me? What if we don't get on and -" I rambled 
"Enough" She said holding her hands up to silence me 
"You've only brought this upon yourself James. You are due to turn 25 this year and if you aren't out of this house and married by the time you lose everything and you know that" She warned me
"I get that but" I started
"Do you? If you knew that why are you fighting me so much on this! I've only ever picked out the best for you and you continue to dismiss them like they are not worth your time" she argued 

"So tomorrow morning, Riley and her family will be coming back over for lunch. You will be staying put in this house until they have left" She said making me narrow my eyes at the notion 

"You should be thankful that Riley is still willing to do this after you so rudely stood her up tonight. She came alone which meant she was left with Piper, Piper and Riley hit it off like no tomorrow so I have no doubts that you and Riley will do the same" She warned me

"And if we don't?" I asked with a raised brow
"If you do anything which hinders the ability for this to work James, you'll lose everything before you turn 25. No son of mine is going to black ball himself and create a poor name for this family" She explained
"Do I make myself clear" She warned making me roll my eyes
"Do I make myself clear" She repeated a little louder this time
"God yes Mum" I growled earning a satisfied smile on her lips as she passed me placing a soft  kiss on my cheek as she passed to walk upstairs

I shook my head moments later before mimicking her steps heading upstairs in the attempt to head straight to my room but I was soon ambushed again when I saw Piper stood in her doorway looking at me a little disappointed
That's one thing I can't stand, when she gives me that look...

"Where were you James?" Piper asked crossing her arms over her chest
"Pipes listen" I started but she shook her head
"You told me you would be there, you said you would give it a shot" She reminded me 

"she isn't as bad as you are assuming" Piper said making me furrow my brows at her
"What?" I asked earning a nod
"Riley. She's really nice, I spent almost 2 hours with her James. She loves some of the same things I do, she has the kindest heart too. Did you know she teaches some of the kids down at the rec centre?" she said making me raise a brow
"Piper I know nothing about her, how would I know that" I asked earning a shrug from Piper
"Give her a shot James, an honest shot. Not a James shot" She said making me close my eyes for a second

"For me?" Piper asked making me open my eyes to glare at her
She knew I wouldn't be able to say no that..

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