Thirteen| James

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The boys and I had been in this small town for a week but every time we knock on the address that was given to Violet's GP surgery, we are greeted by no response but it isn't vacant. From peering into the back garden, you can see the odd toy here and there, a small pool, a porch swing. 

The living room window curtains were drawn the first time we came over but over the last week has changed to be open, semi open, they even were changed to a new colour at one point
There has been a light in the top window that has remained on completely
If growing up is anything to base that off, I would assume it stays on for the comfort of Violet and nothing more then that

Regardless, someone lives there, we just have no idea if it is Emily or not 

"Are we really doing this again?" Hunter asked and I nodded
"We have to. We've come there far" I reminded him
It's been a week since we left home, a week since I left Riley in Dad's hands and honestly I hated it more then I care to admit

Before I had met Riley, I couldn't care about the girl my parents inevitably set me up with, I wasn't looking for it but now that is is staring me back in the face I was glad it was Riley
Whether I want to admit it or not, Riley quickly became a big part of my life, my life and everyone else's too. She was a little ray of sunshine none of us knew that we needed
She fits in with the entire family like that spot was made for her regardless
She gets along with the boys happily to the point that they will be just as protective over her as they are with Pipes 

Riley was the one thing we all didn't know we needed

And now, there isn't anything we would do to make sure she stays with us. I have confidence in Dad that whatever this plan is that it'll work out
He'll find a way to keep her safe while also not creating the noise I had been doing 
If I don't have faith in that at least, I'll be driving everyone insane 

"Maybe she is home when we come and knock but she is too overwhelmed by all of us going there?" West suggested which now it's been said would make sense. I mean who would want to answer the door to 4 boys? We aren't exactly the most appealing bunch?

"Valid" Hunter added
"Okay so why don't we all stay here and James tries to tackle it on his own. If you don't get anywhere we will revaluate when you get back?" Eldon suggested making me nodded 

I needed an answer and something tells me this will be the only way to get it 


I approached the same house that I had spent every single day at for the last week, this time was no different. There was nobody in the garden, the curtains were closed but a light upstairs remained on
As I knocked on the door, I couldn't help but hope that Dad had been making progress with Riley and that I can now make progress with Emily 

 A few moments passed and there was no answer, again, but I couldn't walk away this time. We were all close to giving up, treating this like the dead end it probably is
But I couldn't..
Giving up on this felt like giving up on Riley and that is something I refuse to do 

Sighing, I took a seat on the steps of the porch hoping that if I hung out here someone would come out of a neighbouring house, Emily might come home, or might give in and open the door 

In all honesty, if I was going to go off of the grid this would be the perfect place to do it. She probably had the chance of a complete fresh start, nobody would bother looking in a town as small and secluded as this one
I could probably walk around town and start saying her name in the hope it would pick something up but that also runs to risk of someone she's hiding from finding out
I'm here to mend a bridge between the two sister's not create a bigger length between the two

I guess my main hope from this is the opportunity for Riley to be back in her sister's life, even in her niece's life. To give her back one of the few people Riley loves unconditionally 
There isn't much in life I'll fight for but I think it's safe to say.. Riley's happiness is the top of that list

"You really don't give up do you" A small voice said making my head instantly snap to the left to see a blonde who looked a lot like Riley stood by the gate to the back garden
"Emily?" I asked watching her eyes widen
"Don't" She said before motioning me to follow her towards the back of the property

The minute I walked into the back garden I realise where she had probably been hiding the entire time we had been knocking, there was a small area of the garden that you wouldn't be able to see through the open curtains or from looking over the fence
It would be perfectly hidden 
I followed Emily into the house where a little girl sat in the living room watching TV, she had brunette hair just like Riley's but the moment she looked over at the two of us, her face was pure Emily 

"Now you know who I am but who on earth are you?" Emily asked as the pair of us stood in the kitchen away from the child
"I'm James, your sister's fiancé" I said making Emily's face stay frozen while she narrowed her eyes
"Which one?" Emily asked making me tilt my head in confusion

"The one that Dad uses to let our guard down enough we start to feel something. Or the one who Dad settles on just to destroy us?" Emily said making my mouth fall open slightly  

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