Six| James

30 2 15

Dad and I sat in the main office of the Rec, I remember being pulled in here by the house leader so many times when I was a kid.
"What do we know about Riley's Dad?" I asked breaking the silence after Dad got off the phone with the last person to fill the seats for tonight
"What?" he asked 
"What do we know about him? He gives off a vibe" I explained
"a vibe?" Dad chuckled making me give him a look meaning I was serious
"I'm not sure son. I'm looking into it okay?" He offered but I shook my head

"And until then? I'm supposed to play to devoted son in law?" I questioned
"No, you focus on you and Riley. Leave her family to me. After all it seems the pair of you are getting along rather well?" He smirked making me roll my eyes
"If you mum saw what I saw, she'll be smug for weeks" He teased but yet I knew he was right 

"I know this isn't what you wanted James but maybe it won't be as bad as you think it will be? Riley is a lovely girl and honestly a great addition to the family. Where her side of the family is concerned, I have it under good knowledge when she moves out they will no longer be bothering with her" Dad said making me furrow my brows
"They'll just abandon her like that?" I question
"Is that what is going to happen to Piper and I when the time comes?" I said a little too loudly 

"No" He said softly trying to calm the situation
"I don't know the reason behind it but it appears that when Harry's oldest daughter Emily married off her made her cut off all contact with his wife and Riley. So I'm just warning you, it might be the same this time around" He said making me sigh 

I turned around to see Riley stood out side the door talking to one of the girls from earlier, the girl was more dressed up then the last time we saw her but ultimately she had the same love for Riley as she did when she was dancing in just a t-shirt and leggings 

That is honestly my favourite thing about this place. It doesn't matter about who you, where you come from.. You're welcome with open arms no matter what 

After pulling Tessa into a hug and letting her go, Riley turned and caught my eyes slightly offering me a short smile before another kid took her attention away
If her parents truly do walk away.. I don't think they know what they are walking away from..


By the time the event was due to start the hall was packed. And I mean that, there truly was no spare seat in this entire place 
I'd seen a few of the kids peak out from the curtain in the hope nobody would see, just so they could take in how many people where here
This was certainly about to be a big shock to a lot of them

"Hey mannn!" Hunter cheered walking over with Eldon and West behind him, I was stood at the back of the hall waiting for the show to start, after it ends I can dip and try and find Riley 
There are a few people I think she'll want to meet but I guess I should add the boys to that list
"So this is all your doing?" West asked but I shook my head
"This is all Riley, Dad and I just filled the seats" I shrugged leaning further against the wall making myself a little more comfortable 

"Guys, I think he might be seriously in love with the girl" Hunter teased
"Chill, he's only known her a few days" Eldon said making me nod
It's true, I had only known Riley for 4 days but it felt like a lot longer then that

"Show time" I said watching as the lights dimmed and the curtain rose showing off the set on stage

There were plenty of other performances tonight but honestly that one took the punch 
I think it would be safe to assume that by the end of the night, things for this rec centre will be very different 
"I hold my hat to her" Hunter said making me chuckle
"Those kids are a lot better then we ever were" Eldon laughed and I had to agree with him

Us boys may have dabbled a little in dance but nothing to those levels. Something tells me Riley is on their level too, after her little performance the other night I think that's also a safe assumption

"Come on, I'll introduce you to her" I smiled heading out of the room all the way to back stage with the boys in tow 

"Did you see how many people were out there Riley? Oh my god I think I'm going to pass out" Tessa panicked making Riley chuckle as she handled the teen a bottle of water
"Tessa please sit down and just relax" Riley ushered her
"If you pass out, I'll pass out then who's going to safe us" She teased 

"I will" I said making her turn around to look at me, I offered her a wink to which I was met with an eye roll

"Yeah Riley, he will. So will his friends" Tessa smirked 
"Tessa I thought you were going to pass out?" I asked her but she shook her head
"Nope, I think I'm all better now" She continued making Riley roll her eyes again
It didn't take long for Riley to essentially shoo Tessa away to boys her own age, allowing Riley's attention to shift to the four of us 

"I'm sorry about her, I hope you guys enjoyed the show" Riley said offering the boys a warm smile
"We did, the kids were killer" West said making me nod in agreement
"Riley this is West, Hunter and Eldon. Boys this is Riley" I said introducing them all
"It's lovely to meet you" Riley smiled
"The famous Riley" Hunter teased making Riley look at me confused
"Ignore him" Eldon said
"God knows we all do" I added earning laughter from everyone but Hunter 

The boys soon dispersed to do their own thing, socialise with people we knew that Dad and I had invited leaving Riley and I alone 
"Thank you for what you did for the kids tonight James. You didn't need to do that but it was greatly appreciated" Riley said making me hum before looking back at her 

"I would do it all again in a heart beat. This place was a big part of me growing and obviously knowing you are involved with it too was the incentive I needed to help" I smiled
"You grew up coming here?" Riley asked earning a nod
"The boys and I were basically born and bred here. We got up to any mischief you could truly think of. I think the only reason we weren't banned was because Kelly loved us like her own" I said remembering what it was like growing up here 

"This place means a lot to me" Riley said making me raise a brow looking at here
"It's a place that I can come to and not be Riley. Not be my parents daughter. I can come here and no amount of money that I have matters you know?" She asked and I nodded 

"That is exactly the meaning behind this place Ri" I smiled 

I couldn't help but think back to my conversation with my Dad earlier. If her parents truly are willing to give her up they are idiots
I've known Riley for a matter of days and I already cannot imagine going day without her around. 

The next steps I need to take aren't going to be easy but I think it's needed 
I'm going to need to talk to Emily..

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