Fifteen| Riley

35 2 17

"Get up!" A voice yelled breaking me out of my sleep, I squinted at the sudden shift in light. It had honestly felt like I had only just fallen asleep before his voice had woken me up

After finally adjusting to the light, I looked over at my wardrobe to see my dad frantically throwing things into a bag while mum stood in the doorway looking half asleep but also panicked at the same time
I don't think she knew what was going on anymore then I did but I had never seen Dad looking this frantic in my entire life

"What are you doing?" I asked earning a look that I could only describe as pure hatred
"Get your ass out of bed and get dressed. We leave in 5 minutes" He warned me making me look at him confused

"Leave? but Damien is supposed to be picking me up today and I'-" I started earning that same look again
"You won't be here when Damien gets here. None of us will be. Your engagement with James is over with, I thought I made that much clear to you" He warned me taking a step closer to me
"It's about time you grew up Riley and stopped being a stupid little girl" He warned pushing me back to the point I fell onto the bed while he continued to pack

At this point, I think both Mum and I were frozen scared and confused.
I truly do not understand how everything can go from being close to perfect to now being so bad.
I don't know what I did, how I messed this up but god I am sorry

I've done everything Dad had every asked of me and I thought this was truly a reward, that this is exactly what I had been building up to but it was a moment of weakness. 

I got too comfortable with James and it would seem as soon as I did, he was ripped away from me, everything I had built with him in the small time we had together was being swept away
With how Dad is, I would be inclined to believe in a few weeks, James will forget about me and move on..

But maybe that is for the best?

The moment he left the room, I turned to look at mum in the hope she would be able to help, to stop the madness but that was quickly show down when Dad grabbed her arm pulling her out of the room just as fast as he had entered.. I guess it's game over?


We had been driving for what feels like hours. I only know that because it was pitch black when we left this morning and the sunrise was slowly creeping in
Dad had packed up the main car, the boot and seat next to me full of our bags while he occupied the front seat with Mum in the passenger, she was occasionally look back at me with a hopeful smile but the moment he woke us up this morning I lost all hope 

I didn't know where we were going, in fact I am pretty convinced the only person who does is the mad man in the front seat right now 

Staying quiet was the smart move right now, obviously I had wanted to ask about a thousand questions but I knew by doing so I would only make my situation worse 
At least if I stayed quiet and went along with this, nobody was getting hurt. I've learnt over the last few weeks or so that any sign of rebellion only makes him angrier and I would not like a repeat

 "Harry please, what is going on" Mum pleaded
"Mum don't-" I started
"Riley is not marrying the Miller boy, it's as simple as that. It's about time both of your learnt who runs this family" Dad said glaring at me through the rear-view mirror 
"But why not? They were happy. You were happy weren't you sweetie?" Mum asked turning back to look at me 

But the moment she turned she was met with a fierce slap from the man in the seat next to her making her whimper before turning back around bowing her head in submission..

"I don't care if she was madly in love with the boy. He isn't the right fit for her, just like Ryan wasn't for Emily" He said making me look at the pair of them confused
"Who is Ryan?" I asked, last time I checked Emily married Marcus. 
I personally had never liked him, he was rude, arrogant and spoke to Emily like she was the dirt on the bottom of his shoes
How she has managed to put up with him for this long I do not know
"Ryan was the sweet boy that your-" Mum started before Dad shifted to glare at her instantly silencing her
"Ryan was weak. He made Emily weak so he was removed. Just like James does with you" He warned me

"I don't understand" I mumbled
"You don't need to" Dad growled speeding up a little 

A few moments later we pulled into a gated community, Dad was instantly let in without a second glance making me realise he had been here before. Was Emily here?
After driving through the small gated community for a few minutes Dad soon pulled into the driveway of a house
Before we even had chance to blink, the front door opened revealing a man around Dad's aged followed by 4 boys behind him every single one of them looking towards the car like they were waiting on us 

"Harry, glad to see you made it here okay" The man said after the three of us got out of the car
"Jerry, this is my wife Georgia and our daughter Riley." Dad said, Jerry turned to look me up and down before nod motioning the boys to come over
My face instantly screwed up at their not so subtle hint.. One of these boys was going to be the one I had to marry..

"Riley, these are my sons. Lewis, Jacob, Sam and Mason. Boys this is Riley, show her around" Jerry instructed but honestly... they were the last people I wanted to show me around..

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