Fourteen| James

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"What does that even mean?" I asked earning a shake of the head
"Oh you poor boy. You're the latter" She said handing me a cup of tea. I looked at her still just as confused before she turned to give her daughter a passing glance 
"You've met my father have you not?" She asked and I nodded
"What side did he show you exactly?" She continued
"I don't know, he didn't really direct any comments towards me. It was mainly business with my Dad I guess" I shrugged
"That means that you were just a means to money, he was using you all" Emily explained

"Dad never had any intention of letting Riley marry you James" Emily said offering me a sympathetic look
"He has to, there is no way he'll be able to get out of that contract" I explained to Emily but she shrugged

"That is what I thought when it came to Ryan" She said cautiously. Ryan? That wasn't her husbands name at all
"You married Marcus Richards?" I offered and she nodded
"not by choice at all. Had it been by choice we would still be there now" She said, mumbling the last part
"Why aren't you?" I asked making Emily look over at her daughter 

"When Dad first broached the idea of marrying me off, it was to someone called Ryan Daniels. I had aways known that I would be married off from the moment I could understand it, but I never thought it could be to someone I developed feelings for" She explained
"Over the 4 months Ryan and I were engaged, we grew closer then you could even imagine. But the moment that Dad found out that I had fallen pregnant he cut all contact with him and with in a week, I was married to Marcus." She said with her breath hitching just saying his name 

"Marcus didn't know about Violet, but when he found out he was more abusive then my Dad ever was. It got to the point where he tried to do everything he could to get rid of her. I had to leave, I went completely off of the grid in order to protect her. I couldn't give a crap what those men do to me but I refuse to let them touch her" She continued
"They won't ever push her into the trap I was in, the one Riley is currently falling head first into. It isn't fair at all but it's out of our hands" Emily concluded 

"But what if it wasn't?" I asked earning a confused look from Emily
"What if I could get you back in contact with Riley, what if I could have a way to make sure both you and Violet were safe?" I offered but she shook her head

"you couldn't" She whispered
"Oh but I can. Trust me" I said watching as her eyes darted between me and her daughter 


It took a while to get Emily to agree to the help, she's still convinced a 'Kid like me' couldn't possibly help 
What she doesn't realise is the big guns I have behind me, the same ones who are going to help her sister while I help her

"Alright, that is everything set up for Emily and Violet. They'll be settled in just down the road from us, Violet could even go to the nursery in town if Emily would like some time to herself here and there" Dad explained sending me all the information
"I'll let her know, thank you for doing this though Dad" I said offering him a smile as we sat on FaceTime
"Riley is family James so that means her sister and niece are too" He reminded me 
"Speak of Riley.." I said trailing of slightly 

"It isn't good James" he said making me close my eyes instantly
"I've seen her today though, she's alive so that's something. There are a few browning bruises meaning he must have lost his temper a few times" He explained making me feel sick instantly
"I've told them that in a weeks time I'll be back to collect Riley and her things so that the pair of you can move in together before the wedding" He explained making me furrow my brows

"Since when was that the-" I started
"Since she needs to be out of that house James. You and Riley could crash here for all I care. But she needs somewhere that isn't that house" Dad explained making it all make sense 

"I have a feeling that Riley isn't the only person in that house that will need our help" I warned him
"We have a security net set up for Georgia should she chose to accept it. Sometimes in this situation someone might be in too deep to let the abusive go. If we haven't gotten to Georgia in time, it might be too late" He warned me
"So be prepared son because this could be ugly" He said earning a nod from myself 

"This isn't what I had anticipated when your Mum found Riley for you" Dad said with a small hearty chuckle
"I don't think this is what she thought would happen either" I explained

"She doesn't know still, neither does Piper. She thinks you are off on some trip with the boys and Riley is knee deep in classes" he explained
"I love you mother James but there are even things that she needs to be protected from, Men like Harry are at the top of that list" He reminded me making me nod 

"I do worry that Riley will struggle a lot when this is all over with so I want to broach something with you" He said making me furrow my brows
"What's that?" I asked
"You need to be married by your 25th birthday or your mother and I were going to cut you off correct?" He asked and I nodded

"I'll elaborate with your mum but I don't think that will apply to this situation. Providing there is no concerns with you and Riley being married in the future and you are happily living under the same roof, then I am happy to keep your income coming" He explained

"you would throw away the plan just like that?" I offered and he nodded this time
"I would if it meant that both you and Riley were happy and safe" he explained 

There aren't many times where Dad and I see eye to eye, where we are able to get along like this but clearly this is a new leaf 
This is a new side of us that I don't think I've ever seen but one I would love to see more of

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