Twelve| Riley

28 1 14

"I think it is best if you stay up here sweetheart" Mum said coming upstairs, it had been 2 weeks since the incident and there was still no end in sight
Dad makes us sit around the dinner table every meal like a happy family. Acting like this isn't some ludicrous plan
Acting like he isn't in the wrong

"Why?" I asked looking at her confused
"Mr Miller is downstairs in the living room talking to your father and from what I have heard it isn't going well" She said almost petty my head as she sat next to me
"What is Damien doing here?" I asked, I hadn't heard from anyone since the week mark except I get a daily text from James. The only part of my day that I look forward to I guess
"He's here about the engagement. Your father has tried to make it void but he can't, the Miller's were smart and made it iron clad" She explained
"he's here fighting for you sweetie" Mum said offering me a smile

"What about you though? If I somehow get out of this situation, I don't want you stuck in it" I explained
"God knows what he'll do when it is just the two of you" I continued, Mum swiftly took a hold of my hand giving it a tight squeeze
"My beautiful girl, you do not need to worry about me. I've been handling your fathers anger for years now. It's something I've grown accustom to" Mum said breaking my heart a little more
"No, that isn't fair on you. If I get out you are coming with me even if it is the last thing I do Mum" I said but she shook her head

"We'll cross that bridge at another time honey" She said placing a soft kiss on the side of my head 

Mum had warned me to stay upstairs but knowing that Damien was just downstairs was enough to make me want to disobey. Maybe if he saw what was happening he would be able to help? 
But would he help my Mum too?


I walked down the stairs and could already here the anger in my father's tone. He was beyond pissed it would seem
The closer I got to the door to the living room I could easily see the pair of them. Damien sat on the sofa to the side, he would be able to see me at the door if he looked to the left ever so slightly but my Dad was also directly opposite him so he would also easily see me with the change in glance
But it was a risk I was willing to take 

"You signed this contract a month ago did you not?" Damien asked calmly
"It doesn't matter, things have changed and your son is no longer a suitable match" Dad argued through gritted teeth 
"My Son has not broken any of the limits you had set out in your expectations. Neither has Riley. They have both followed your requirements to a tee, so if you break this agreement I have no other choice then to walk up those stairs and pack your daughters bag" Damien explained
"you can't do that" He growled 

"Oh but I can. You sold your daughter Harry. You've done that to both of your daughters the only difference this time if that Riley will be going to a loving family. The same cannot be said for your oldest" Damien explain making me eyes widen

"I know all about the first engagement for Emily. The fact that the pair fell for each other faster then you wanted. They were happy and you put a stop to that by marrying her off to someone almost double her age" Damien explained 
"Is that the plan for Riley? She's started to be happy with us so now you're getting yourself out of this so that she can marry someone who has the same respect you do?" Damien argued 

"Get out of my house" Dad spat his arms tightening against the sofa. He doesn't like being called out on anything.. This was not going to go down well

"Not until I see Riley. The moment I know she is safe I will leave but she is to remain in contact with us" Damien protested
"I don't think so. You have no right to dictate what I do with my daughter" Dad said rising to his feet making me gasp every so slightly which in turn alerting them all to know I was there 

Dad turn to look at me, his eyes instantly glaring at me whilst Damien looked at me cautiously before offering a comforting smile. But there wasn't much comfort to give, the moment he walked out that door I would be in hell again 
"Go to your room" Dad said turning to stand in front of Damien so he couldn't see me 
"Riley come in. Since this is your engagement we are talking about" Damien said almost shoving Dad aside so he could address me 

"I don't-" I started
"Go upstairs" Dad said cutting me off 
"Is everyone okay Riley?" Damien asked making me look between him and Dad before bowing my head
I wanted to tell him no, I want to tell him everything that has gone on this week but I know that it would only make matters worse 

"Everything is fine" I mumbled 
" Do you think you could be packed up ready to move out by next week? Deborah and I would like you and James to trial living together before the wedding. James can be handful in the mornings" Damien said giving me a small wink making me smile ever so much
"Sure" I said softly before bowing my head again
"And could you give that son of mine a call? He's running up the walls as we speak" He said chuckling trying to lighten the mood but honestly you could cut the tension with a knife in here 

I didn't want him to go, I really didn't... But 1 week is all I have left here.. 

That's something right?

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