Seven| Riley

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The idea of this trip at the beginning of the week was just a way to get back at James in a sense. I wanted him to see that some people can prioritise this over anything else but now that we are getting along I don't know, it feels different
"Woah what happened in here" Mum laughed walking into the room instantly looking over at the pile of stuffed animals from the other day
"Oh that's James' doing" I laughed zipping up the overnight bag I had packed for this trip
There wasn't much I needed but in true Riley fashion, I over packed

"you and James seem to be getting along swimmingly" Mum said using another term I don't get
"We are I think. It's definitely not what I expected" I shrugged earning a soft smile from her
"All we want is for you to be happy honey" Mum answered
"So does that mean if I wanted to call this all of to be happy you'd let me?" I questioned
"Is that what you want?" She asked 

If she had asked me last week, Yes
That would have been the easiest yes I'd ever given but now? Now I don't know 

"Riley, James is here" Nancy said knocking on my door earning a smile from Mum again
"Go on this trip darling and if you still want to cancel it all by the end of it, we can talk to your father when you get back" She said with true sincerity in her tone

Dad always had it drilled into Emily and I that no matter what we wanted, no matter what we felt.. As soon as he found a match it was a done deal
No going back
No changes
No exceptions
What he said goes..

I walked out of the house not bothering to knock on Dad's study to say goodbye, after all if he had wanted to say it himself he would have come and found me like Mum did 
It does feel like I am slowly losing him but I don't know why..

"There she is" Damien smiled the moment I stepped out of the house, he stood with James by the boot of the car, James leaning against the side of the car while his Dad spoke
"I'm sorry if I kept you at all" I explained but they both shook his head
"Nonsense Riley. You are just on time" Damien added
"We're only out here to get away from Piper" James shrugged
"James" His Dad warned
"What, don't act like you aren't trying to escape the pair of them too" He said making me laugh at the two of them

Hanging out with James family is different then I thought it would be. I thought that every family that had money would be like mine. The type to keep to themselves, the ones who have a specific role for everyone in the family
But that isn't the case here at all
James' family are a lot more laid back. Piper hasn't been tied to the same rules I was, all four of them had a friendly atmosphere about them. They get along like a house on fire, exactly how a family should be 

"let's get this show on the road then shall we" James smiled wrapping an arm around me while his Dad put my bag in the boot 


By the time we got to where we were staying Piper was almost falling asleep so Damien had to help her to her room whilst James started to get the bags out of the car 
We weren't anywhere fancy which once again surprised me but I also kind of liked it. We were at a beach resort a few hours away
It's a lot more lowkey then I'm used to but I couldn't be more thankful
"Riley sweetheart" Deborah said as she walked over to me. I was stood over by the poolside watching the sunset remembering my conversation with James about this place 
"Hi" I smiled welcoming her to join me

"Are you okay sweetie?" She asked placing her arm around me pulling me into a small side hug
"I am, are you?" I questioned earning a chuckle from her
"I have my kids and my family here darling, of course I'm okay" She said softly 

That's what my family lost.. That outlook on life

"We never used to do this sort of thing as kids" I explained earning a confused look from her
"If we ever went away Dad would practically pay for the entire place to be shut to the public. The cost of that didn't matter to him at all" I elaborated this time earning a sympathetic look from Deborah
"Oh honey" She whispered pulling me in a little closer
"You're a part of this family now too and that means you are stuck with our silly little trips, family traditions and everything in between" She smiled 

"I was going to give this to you once you became a Miller officially but I think it's safe to say you practically are one already" Deborah said before bringing her purse to to the front of us taking out a small box
I looked at her a little confused while the smile on her lips grew a little more as she opened the box
Looking down, I was met with a dainty gold bracelet with scattered peals through out it. It was beautiful 

"Damien's mother gave it to me right before the wedding and her husbands mother gave it to her as well. I had been dreading the day I had to give it up but my sweet girl, there is nobody else I would want to give this to" She said almost bringing tears to my eyes as she spoke
"I can't ac-" I started
"Don't go breaking my heart now Riley" She teased before taking the bracelet out of the box wrapping it around my wrist until it was secure 

"I know James wasn't welcoming to this idea at first and I hope he hasn't been anything but respectful towards you" She explained
"But I really think you were somehow meant to be apart of this family Riley" She asked before pulling me into a tight hug this time 
I'm thankful for the hug just purely down to the fact she didn't need to see me cry right now 

The Millers are a real family and I'm beginning to love them more and more every day but there is also the factor that they remind me of everything my family once was, everything we still could be 
And that hurts..

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