Nepang Island: The Pearl of The Ocean

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The machinery and moving conveyor belts emit a symphony of mechanical cacophony. A dissonant harmony surrounds me, the grinding and churning of gears produce a low, guttural growl that reverberates through the air. Metal plates clank and clang in a rhythmic pattern, resembling the beat of an industrial drum. All these noises and moving parts just to move the cargo I had placed on the receiver from the surface to the underground city of Nepang Island.

The projected hologram of the man that is receiving the package looks down to his side, his head and eyes tracking the cargo being carried into his quarter by the conveyer belt. The 3-dimensional live video flickers to the imperfection of the ageing system, staying reliable enough for the two of us to see each other without actually being face to face. The man in the hologram then began to speak, his voice coming out of the speaker.

"Quite surprised that you made it here with the cargo in good condition. No offense, but, you know how Clockwork's reputation goes." He said before turning to face me. "Not to mention the things you went through to get here, I heard the route you were using was hit by Epoch storm twice?"

A simple nod was my response, not having anything more to add other than to confirm his words.

"Well, colour me impressed. I'll make sure your great work is known by your management-" The man in the hologram turned his head before he finished his words with me, talking to someone else that was in the same room as him. The sound system didn't pick up the conversation, but his face showed a shift from being impressed, to confused, to frustrated. He turned his head back at me, holding one of the metal containers in his arm.

"Where the hell are our produce?" He said looking into the container, turning it to show me the insides through the hologram. Inside it was a grain-like substance, shifting around as he moved the container. "What are these, seeds!? How do you expect us to provide meals for our district with these?"

With a frustrated grunt, the live feed was shut off by him, cutting the communication immediately. Being caught by the Epoch must turn the produce back into seeds, and the man most likely realise that too. Despite everything I had gone through, his frustration still mattered more to him than the life threatening experience I had gone through. 

Staring at a blank wall where the hologram used to be, I closed my eye momentarily and let out a sigh of exhaustion and disappointment. I turned away and started walking to a Nomad Courier resting quarters, knowing fully well my pay will be cut because of this. Although uncalled for, I understood his frustration, them having to ration for a while as the delivery had failed.




The metal door slides open, revealing a standard private Nomad Courier resting quarter. A bed, a gear locker, a shower, clothes cleaner, and a touchscreen mirror. Making my way in front of the mirror, I take off the exo skeleton from my legs and placed it onto the clothes cleaner. The cleaner accepts it and began lowering the skeleton into the floor to be cleaned.

In front of the mirror, I slowly unbuttoned my protective coat and the shirt underneath, pulling out my arms from the sleeves to let it hang onto the pants it was tucked into. With my bare body finally out in the open, I could feel the cold air kissing it after being constrained in those layers of clothing for hours which caused me to marinate in my own sweat.

From the infrequent rehydration and the constant labour work, the abdominal, chest, and arm muscles were defined and highlighted by the sweat and grime of my journey. Although not insane, it is still the impressive body you would expect from an active Nomad Courrier. However, several aged scars of cuts and bruises sprinkled on my body, received from so many incidents and attacks, especially from bandits. 

Lifting my right arm in front of me, I began to tense and flex my muscle to test something. As expected, my right shoulder blade began to cramp and sting severely, causing me to hiss slightly. I turned my back towards the mirror, showing a large deep cut that had previously healed, but had most likely been reverted by the Epoch.

A sigh escapes my nose as I seated myself on the edge of the bed, taking off the lower part of my clothes, leaving me with just the brief. With the clothes off, I pull something out of its pocket and sling them to the cleaner, allowing it to be taken into the floor and cleaned. In my hand was a Nanomeds, a large syringe with short lasting biodegrading nano machines for a quick recovery. I had bought it on my way to the quarters.

With a napkin provided by the quarter, I wiped the thigh of my injured leg to clean it for the injection, before jabbing the large syringe into my thigh. I grunted from the insertion, the needle of the syringe being the size of a pen causing a sharp pain. After a second had passed, the pain was numbed by the nano machines, allowing me to pull the syringe off without the same pain. The opening made by the syringe seals itself, my leg feeling better with the injection.

Although I was aware of the chances the cut on my shoulder blade might have returned, it wasn't detrimental enough to my job to justify another Nanomed. 

Getting off from the bed and stripping the rest of my clothe, I step into the shower and turned on the shower with a press of a button. The first droplets fell, cold and painful, onto my rough skin. A sigh escaped my lips, mingling with the gentle patter of the falling water. The streams of liquid trickled down my body, their path diverted by the damned scars that adorned my flesh. The droplets caressed each mark, tracing their rugged contours, cleansing away the trials of the day.

 It was the large cut on my right shoulder blade that stole the spotlight. As the water found its way into the crevices of the wound, a sudden sting jolted through me, causing a sharp intake of breath. As the steam-filled the small enclosure, I leaned forward, pressing my palms against the metal tiles of the shower wall. The water cascaded down my body, mingling with the rivulets of sweat and grime, washing them away in a torrent of warmth. 

It was in the middle of this shower I remembered the invitation Ash made for me. An offer to meet her family and most likely have dinner with them. It wouldn't hurt to see her again, but it's more likely I'll only be reminded of how alone I am. It's likely this is the only time I'll ever see her too, so what's the point? 

She is just another, that will come and go.

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