Road to Arkwasa, Is There Time to Celebrate?

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The low humming of speedcycles soared through the rocky hilled expanse as we raced away from the scene of confrontation. Hours blurred into a seamless stream of motion, the landscape a passing tapestry of rugged terrain and distant horizons. It was only when a comfortable distance was carved between us and the white masks that we dared to finally take a rest despite how dark it was already getting.

For hours straight we had been riding the speedcycles, only for a few moments did we pull to a stop in a secluded spot. The reason required critical attention, Josh's gunshot wound proved to be potentially lethal if it was left to pour out his blood. With whatever resources and emergency medical supplies we had, we swiftly moved to patch up the injury. Being still out in the open and only about 10 minutes worth of distance, we had to just make sure the bleeding stopped and start moving again.

Finally, after the ride that was long enough to even allow our adrenaline to dissipate, between the rocky hills a sort of natural hidden sanctuary nestled made from what could be a natural formation. The speedcycles navigated the uneven terrain, slowly descending into the valley.

The valley, surrounded by towering rock formations, offered a temporary respite, better than the fields of high grass. The rocky hills formed a natural fortress, providing a shield against the harsh elements and prying eyes. As we slowed to a halt, the valley echoed back every mechanical movement and metal clattering.

We set up a makeshift camp within the sheltering arms of the rocky hills, the speedcycles parked in a protective formation. As the light sinks behind the hills, a heater is placed in the middle with all our resting equipment laid around it. With the campsite set up, Kath approaches the group with a crate of bottles in her hands, freshly taken out from a container.

"Guess what," She chimes with indiscreet enthusiasm, "While everything was going on, I stole these refreshing dews from their cargo!"

As Kath proudly displayed her loot of a crate of alcohol, there were smiles of amusement that were formed amongst the group. Seated on his foldable bed, Josh lets out laughter of delight, remarking "Really now? That's certainly something else."

His compliment resonated with a subtle nod to Kath's resourcefulness, acknowledging the audacity it took to turn a potential confrontation into a triumph. She walks past Josh, handing out a bottle to his uninjured arm before moving to Ash who gives her an appreciative nod. Before she could come towards me, I had already gotten up and walked towards her direction.

Placing the lips of two bottles between my fingers, I looked at her and lightheartedly asked, "How did you even know the container had alcohol in it?"

She tilted her head and looked up at the sky to think, before shrugging it off casually. I smirked in a state of unsurprise, knowing full well that might have been the case. Pulling the two bottles out of the crate, I brought the refreshments with me as I left the group.

"And where are you going?" Ash questions my departure right after taking a sip of her drink. She was leaning against the stone walls, arms crossed while enjoying her cold drink.

"I just have to check on something, you guys enjoy yourself," I replied to her without turning around, opening one of the bottles and taking a swig at it, simply sighing to myself, "better to check than not."




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