Arkwasa to Bhasa

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A muffled grunt was made which was followed by a sigh of relief as I placed the heavy load onto the back of the truck. Turning back to where more of the cargoes need to be loaded, I take hold of one of them and inhale. The cold morning air scratched and clung to my lungs as my breath was braced while carrying the cargo.

Alongside me were Ash, Kath, and some other crew members who would be joining us for the ride to Bhasa loading the truck with us. The metallic echoes of crates being manoeuvred resonated through the air, being lifted, placed, and pushed against the floor of the truck repeatedly.

We had to follow a proper order as we stacked and organized the cargo, following a plan that was already made before we had even arrived to Arkwasa. The extra cargoes, being mainly used as camouflage for this operation, served a dual purpose. Not only did it add a layer of disguise, making us less conspicuous and thus less prone to opportunistic attacks, but it also presented an opportunity to fulfil additional deliveries, might as well since we are going to Bhasa anyway.

Despite us only starting the work about half an hour earlier, we were almost done with loading the truck. It goes to show how efficient Arkwasa is with these tasks. When we got here, they immediately gave us our position and we all got to work, not even an introduction. 

The truck, a sturdy behemoth ready to navigate the unpredictable terrains, awaited the last couple of dozens of cargo. Its sleek, aerodynamic design spoke of efficiency, while the multiple all-terrain triangular track crawlers beneath hinted at a capability to conquer landscapes beyond the reach of conventional vehicles.

The body of the truck, fashioned from advanced alloys, bore the scars of past journeys while strips of light wrapped around the body to ensure its surroundings were always visible. The triangular track crawlers, each meticulously engineered to be complex enough to achieve what wheels can't yet simple enough so maintenance isn't a constant requirement. Assembled in a trinity, they offered stability and traction, ready to grip and propel the truck through fields of parasitic grass, rocky plateaus, and dense forests alike.

The rhythmic clunk of a crutch against the metallic surface heralded Josh's arrival at the bustling loading bay. With his injury obviously not fully healed, he came at his own will with a crutch between his arm to support himself to walk. A genuine smile graced his face as he called out to us, refusing to stay in bed.

"You guys really not going to say goodbye before leaving me here?" he jest,  leaning on the crutch for support. His presence, though temporarily tethered to a crutch, was optimistic in spirit.

Of course, while we appreciated his visit, we still had to continue our work to catch up with the strict schedule that was given to us. A few simple smiles and acknowledgements were given by most of us, except Kath. She replied to him with a tease, saying that she had never intended to have left him hanging.

As all of us continued our tasks, Josh's attention veered toward the bubbly nomad courier. With a twinkle in his eyes, he playfully flirted with Kath. "Kath, once you're done with this whole operation, I'll be waiting for you. We'll have a proper celebration, promise."

If I had not been so caught up with everything else that I had going on, perhaps I would have noticed earlier of the developing relationship, but I wouldn't say I was shocked to find out this way.




The heavy truck rumbled through a field of golden grass, its triangular track crushing several strands under its weight as it cut a path through the verdant landscape. Inside the cargo bed, I found myself surrounded by some of the crew who had helped us load the truck. Even though the landscape and the path around us seemed bumpy, the truck only swayed gently which really shows the capability of the truck to stabilize.

Glancing around at the familiar faces of Ash, Kath, and the others, I noticed there were a few conversing in their own small group, while most of us were just silently and patiently resting until we arrive.

In the midst of a somewhat soothing ride, I found myself pondering the enigma of the previous night. How did I end up on that couch? The most recent memory I could recall before waking up was being in some strange room with a purpose that was certainly made for rituals of some religion. I went to look for the room as soon as I had woken up, yet it wasn't there anymore.

I made sure again and again I was in the right hallway at the right spot, yet it was simply non-existent. How could an entire room just disappear, it would take a hell of a lot of effort to seal off a room and make it seamless. Of course, I never really got to question anyone about the room as it would be a very odd thing to ask someone, especially those who are most likely the ones trying to hide it. Could it really be just a dream?

"Greetings," a man spoke to me, snapping me out of my thoughts. The enigmatic stranger extended a gloved hand in greeting, which made me promptly shake it with mine. The man was tall, yet skinny, but he was fully equipped with nomad courier gears so he must be capable.

"I was told that I will be replacing one of your injured," His gaze, concealed behind the visor of his gear while his voice filtered through the helmet. The others reached out to him and shook his hand, but as soon as Ash was going to speak, he raised his hands to the level of his head and cuts them off, "Of course, you don't need to really introduce yourselves. I have read your documents, but I will be hoping to learn the rest about you all while we go through this."

As he settled into the seat, placing himself on one of the containers that was laid on the truck, he then gave a brief introduction. "Oh, and for me, I go by the name Void."

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