Chapter 5- Marriage of convenience

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When Go won (Crown Prince) and Hwa young swords collided together , he told her who he was.

Hwa young was shocked because today they will get married and he was standing right in front of her, she took a good look at him and realised after so many years he has  become more Handsome and Taller.

Go won was standing in front of her confused who is this women is and why is she not responding to him
- Excuse me, tell me who you are and why are you covering your face?

Hwa young composed herself and bowed to him - I am sorry your majesty,i didn't know it was you. I apologise for pointing ny sword at you.
She said in  nonchalant tone.

Go won was looking at her intensely - No you are not,i can tell.

Hwa young- I have to go somewhere, once again i am soery for my behaviour Your Majesty.
She turned around placing her sword in her left hand and started to run.

I just want to disappear from here before he finds out who I am.

But Go won wasn't satisfied with her answer, I want to know who she is.

He took long steps towards her and wrapped half of his arm around her placing his sword near her neck from behind her.
He stood close but careful enough not to touch her.

Go won - You asked me who I am and i told you about me but when i asked you the same you are leaving without giving me an answer.

Her heart was beating really fast,
Oh no he is standing too close to her comfort.
She thought - what should i do, i have to escape from his grasp

It will be a lot of trouble for me , if he knows about me.

I didn't expected him to do this.
Please don't come too close to me.
I thought.

Hwa young- I-- i. Your Majesty you shouldn't care about a mere person like me , i am not worth your precious time.

Go won - Don't try to act smart with me , i know you are hiding something.

Me - Your Majesty i am someone who once wished to join the army to protect my people and become strong, that's why i know how to handle  swords.

I hope now he will let me go

He didn't let me go but i saw a magical layer covered in his swords , so now he is using his magic.(Crown prince powers)

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Hwa young didn't want to drag this matter - How can i fight you, Your  Majesty please ignore me but I can't do it .

ONE HEART - Crown Prince GO WON x OC female Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now