••• TWO •••

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••• TWO •••

    "What do you mean he remembered your favorite flowers, and you didn't talk to him for the rest of the night?!" Katie exclaimed disapprovingly as we Facetimed from my laptop, and I buried my face in my hands as I tried to hide from my embarrassment.

"I mean just that! I didn't know what to say to him, Kate, and he was so sweet and God damn gorgeous that he caught me off guard." I groaned, and Katie giggled as she rolled her eyes at me.

"He really is gorgeous, but we gotta focus," She said, suddenly serious, and I raised an eyebrow at her. "What're you going to do next?"

I shook my head in confusion. "What is there to do? He just brought me flowers. It's not that big a deal." Katie scoffed as she sat up straight in her bed.

"He did not just bring you flowers! He brought you your favorite flowers. Flowers that you mentioned were your favorite seven years ago!" She exclaimed excitedly. I rolled my eyes and quickly shook my head at her ridiculous outburst.

"They're just flowers, Katie." I reminded her, and she groaned with annoyance.

"He clearly feels some type of way about you, Sophie," Before I could argue with her and tell her that she was way off, she cut me off. "Oh, come on, Soph! How many guys do you know would do something like that?"

    I opened my mouth to list a bunch of guys, but not a single person came to mind other than fictional characters from romance novels and movies. "See, you can't!" She smirked victoriously from my laptop screen, and I fake cried as I fell back onto my mattress.

"Hypothetically," I started to say after a minutes as I stared up at my ceiling, and Katie let out an excited squeal. "Let's say Ashton Maverick does have some sort of crush on me. What would you do if you were in my position?"

I sat up and looked down at my laptop to see her thinking as she tapped her chin. "Oh! I'd send him a picture of me with the flowers thanking him!" She smiled, and I giggled, then shook my head.

"I can't. I don't have his number." I sighed, and Katie rolled her eyes.

"You guys follow each other on Instagram! Just DM him." She said it like it was so easy, and I guess it was, but I don't think I could bring myself to do it. I didn't want to make a fool out of myself and make him uncomfortable. "Sophia Lincoln, stop overthinking it and just do it already!" She exclaimed, and I bit my lip nervously as I looked over at the flowers sitting in the vase on my dresser.

"They are really pretty flowers," I said as I climbed off my bed. "It's definitely not weird to thank him again for getting them for me." I picked up the vase as I grabbed my phone from my back pocket and couldn't believe I was actually going to do this as I opened Instagram.

    My heart raced against my chest as I held the flowers to my chest and smiled at the camera as I snapped a selfie, and before I could chicken out, I pressed send. "Did you do it?" Katie asked eagerly as I typed, 'Thank you for the flowers, Maverick. Who knew you could be so sweet.'

"Unfortunately, I did." I grimaced as I read her what I sent, and she erupted in giggles. "Was it that bad?" I asked, utterly horrified at what I had just done but Katie shook her head quickly.

"No! I would've sent the same thing." She assured me, and I rolled my eyes at her.

"You almost gave me a heart attack," I scolded her, and then saw the time on my laptop and sighed. "It's almost midnight. I'm going to go to bed and pray that I won't regret this in the morning."

Katie laughed as she shook her head. "You will, but try not to! I have a good feeling about this, Soph." She winked at me, and I giggled.

"Night, love you." She blew me a kiss then we hung up.

    As I closed my laptop, I tried calming my nerves by thinking of anything except Ashton Maverick. But as I crawled into bed and shut my eyes, he was the last thing I thought about before I drifted off to sleep.

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