Chapter 9: The puppet on the strings

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Adam's POV: Me and Angel have been dating for two weeks now and nothing bad has happened yet. Amber won't talk to me after she found out I'm dating Angel Dust but I don't really care. Charlie is hosting a ball as a congratulations to anyone who survived the angel's attack. Nifty, Ember, Melena, and Alastor are helping Charlie with decorations and shit. Angel and I have been watching these clowns fuck with shit and fall off ladders for the past 5 hours. I went to the kitchen for a smoke until I felt thin, burning strings cutting my skin everywhere. I looked down to see red puppet strings cutting into my wrists, fingers, waist, legs, ankles, arms, and throat. I immediately knew my pimp had me in control so I gave in. I wasn't gonna fight anymore, it was no use. "Your my puppet. You do as I say." A voice kept saying, I knew it was Puppeteer. I saw my reflection and realized my eyes were multicolor which means I'll hallucinate untill I go insane. Just as I expected I had terrifying hallucinations.
"Help! Help don't let us die!" "You mistake." You mean nothing to us." "You fat hooker, obey me!" I started crying and screeching from the hallucinations. I was seeing my family die, my past, and my pimp. Angel came in and tried to help me, Charlie went to get Alastor, and Amber and Ember were staring at my screeching, loud ass.

Angel's POV: I heard screeching and crying from the kitchen so I got up and went to the kitchen. I saw Adam cut up and bleeding out. I immediately dropped to my knees and wrapped him up in my arms. I was waiting for Alastor to bring bandages with Charlie, I held him to my fluff as he screamed. I gotta give it to him, he's got some vocals to be screaming like a wailing banshee. After we finally got bandages on him, he growled. "Don't let that puppet bitch touch me." I didn't know who or what the fuck he was talking about so I asked. "Batsy, who's the puppet bitch?" I asked him. He clinged onto my shirt and nuzzled into my chest fluff. "I don't wanna talk about it hunny." He said in a cute little sleepy voice. I picked him up and carried him to his room and we sat on his bed for a while. I was beginning to be anxious about what happened earlier and I could feel hot tears rolling down my cheeks.

Adam's POV: I was sitting on my bed next to Angel and I heard him sniff. I looked up and saw the pink and white spider face red with tears rolling down his cheeks. I laid him down and cuddled him close as I sang him a lullaby to calm him down.

Angel Dust x Adam (Male OC I created)Where stories live. Discover now