CHP 4: Night festival

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Ethea grabbed on Claire's hands and started leading her the way.

They were doing a pretty great job of not getting noticed, when out of nowhere they heard
Some footsteps and people talking.

*Step *Step *Step

"Do you think I can get a raise? I am really in need of money right now"

"Do you think I don't need money too? We all need some!"

It seems like the guards are slacking on their job. They are already getting paid with 800 gold coins every 3 weeks! Ethea thought that they have to work harder if they wanted to get a raise.

They finally lost sight of the guards, since they are far away already Ethea and Claire continued to walk and they finally reached the back door of the manor.

When they reached outside they have another obstacle waiting ahead of them.

Everything that goes in and out gets monitored and only goes through one gate, so Ethea has to somehow make sure that the guards on the gate won't notice her.

Ethea held Claire's hand tighter showing a sign of nervousness.

Ethea did not actually know what do if she gets caught, but without hesitation she walked right up to the guard on the gate.

"State your business" The guard said.

Ethea then held on her hood to make sure her face is covered then began to speak.

"My lady Ethea told us to get her some torte's for she really craved them and wants it right now.

"Sadly, the head chef cannot bake it since he is already asleep so, we are here to only follow my lady's order".

The guard looked at both Ethea and Claire with suspicion and did not open the gate for them.

If they go back now they will look even more suspicious but Ethea did not worry at all for she has a trick up her sleeve.

"Here, we have Madame's necklace as a sign that she approved of us to go out to fetch some food for her daughter!"

Ethea had shown an emerald necklace but actually it was not from her mother at all even so, the guard had no choice but to believe her, after all it is an emerald necklace, as a mere guard he has never seen the Madame's vast collection of jewelry so he would never know if that really belonged to the Madame and mostly, no commoner can afford an emerald necklace!

The guard then opened the gate for them to go out.

Ethea and Claire looked at each other and chuckled but made sure that the guard wouldn't hear it.

Success! They were able to go out without getting caught! Good for them I guess.

Outside of the Visyell manor was a forest, Ethea and Claire kept walking but Ethea had realized that she actually doesn't know where she is going and is leading Claire to nowhere, so she stopped Claire and told her about it.

"Claire it's your turn to lead the way now" "I have no idea where I am going"

"Don't worry my lady you are in good hands!" "I know the way to the town"

Claire answered, and then started clapping and jumping showing her excitement. She is very happy that she gets to spend time wither humble master.

"Actually the town is a territory of the Visyell dukedom so the duke rules over it!"

"Oh I see..." Ethea responded.

They kept walking for more minutes and finally set foot on the town.

"We are here my lady!"

Reincarnated On A Novel As A Non Existent Character(I am not Ethea)Where stories live. Discover now