Chapter 9: Sister-brother bonding

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In the Visyell manor, Ethea just finished reading a book. The story of the book is about a fairy that was cursed to do everything anyone told her to do, and till the day she died, the curse was never broken.

"How sad." Ethea threw the book and she lay down her bed.

"What were you reading my lady?" Claire entered her room carrying some boxes with her.

"Just a story I saw on my book shelf."

Ethea saw the boxes and was curious to what was inside it. She jumped up her bed and took those away from Claire.

"My lady!" Claire was surprised because of Ethea suddenly grabbing the boxes.

"What's inside?" Ethea asked as she opened the box.

Inside the box was a shattered vase, a frame without a picture, and many more useless stuff.

"What is all this junk Claire?" Ethea put that box aside and took another box.

"It is your junk my lady..."


As it turns out, Claire was looking for old things from the attic so she can show Ethea some of the things she used to own. Claire thought that if Ethea could see things from her childhood, maybe some of her memories could return.

It is no use though. The Ethea that owned those stuff is not here anymore and a different soul took over her body.

"That would not work Claire."

As Ethea said that, she opened another box and saw a stuffed bunny and all of a sudden her head suddenly started to hurt. Memories were suddenly seen.

"Ugh." Ethea placed her hand on her head.

"My lady are you alright?" Claire worriedly asked.

Ethea felt cold as she continues to see a vision of children laughing and running around.

"These are...Ethea's memories?" Ethea thought as she kept on rummaging inside the box.

Finally, something inside the box caught Ethea's attention. It was a torn down paper with characters that Ethea could not understand.

"What is this Claire?" Ethea showed Claire the paper.

"It is an ancient language written inside the paper my lady."

Ancient language? Why does Ethea have this?

Interested in this unfamiliar language, Ethea decided to ask Claire about it.

"Did I know how to read this?"

"As far as I know, my lady was not interested with ancient history so you possibly could not have learned it."

"This is a holy language of the people on the ancient Solinn temple. only a few people knew of it and since the temple died down so did the language." Claire explained to Ethea.

"Thanks for telling me Claire." Ethea thanked Claire and ran out her bedroom.

Ethea was eager to know what the letter had meant and so she ran to the library that was right by the left side of her bedroom. She endlessly searched inside the library for a book that could somehow help her decipher the holy language. But just her luck, or should I say... no luck? Ethea could not find anything related to the holy language.

Just as Ethea was about to go out the library feeling defeated that she could not find anything, her brother suddenly came in.

Ethan had noticed the sad look on Ethea's face and decided to ask her. "Ethea, why so sad?"

Reincarnated On A Novel As A Non Existent Character(I am not Ethea)Where stories live. Discover now