Chapter 12: Farewell

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The sun shined brightly at the Bellerose castle. Zion, who just woke up, found out that the sun was shining and it was still early, and so he decided to sleep again.

Zion closed his eyes, when suddenly someone screamed at his ears.

"Who died!??!!" Zion woke opened his eyes and jumped out of his bed.

"You will your highness."
"If you continue sleeping, that is." It was Elias that screamed on Zion's ears.

"Let me sleep." Zion rolled his eyes and hugged his pillow.

"Your highness. do you know what day is today?"

"My birthday?" Zion jokingly responded.

"..." Elias could not take the prince's joke.

"It is your last day here at Astiane since we will be departing to Nuwarine early in the morning."

"Then you mean second to the last day?" Zion threw his pillow.

"You should at least do something to make your last day special." Elias said to Zion.

"Fine! I shall visit Ethea."


Unlike at the Bellerose castle, the Visyell castle was dark and the sun was not shining brightly, after all it was early 4 am.

The people inside the castle was fast asleep, except for one fella.

Ethea was reading a story book, one she read last chapter.

"Chapter 96. The witch and the farmer resided on a beautiful castle. The furniture's were all gold. The selfish daughter had killed herself after finding out that her father and the witch was to be wed. Anyway, how could the witch and the farmer afford such a lavish castle? It was all thanks to the witch! She scammed people with the help of her trusty black cat. At the wedding venue, many people were invited and they all were forced to attend. The witch had put a spell on every invitation that once opened, the people invited will be forced to come to the wedding."

"My lady?" Claire rubbed her eyes for she just woke up.

"Claire?!" Ethea quickly hid the book under her pillow. It was like in her past life when she hid her phone from her mother since she was reading wattpad.

"What brings you here?" Ethea smiled.

"The prince- "Claire yawned. "Prince Theodore is waiting outside.


Wait what? Prince Theodore is outside?! At this time?!! Ethea was very much surprised as I am, so she ran down stairs to the entrance where Zion stood.

"What are you doing here so early?" "DONT YOU KNOW THE RUMORS ABOUT US?" Ethea gave Zion a side eye.

"I do know about it."
"But today will be my last day here at Astiane and I would like to enjoy it with you." Zion smiled at Ethea.

"But why would you want to spend you last here with me?" Ethea raised one of her eyebrow.

"Why not?" Zion shrugged.

"Sorry buddy, I am not here just to do things you ask for." Ethea waved her hand goodbye and went up the stairs.

"Wait!" Zion shouted and Ethea looked back at him.

"Will you please?!" Zion pleaded and his eyes sparkled, or that was just what Ethea could see.

"Ugh fine, give me 2 hours!" Ethea placed her hand in front of Zion's eye which showed the number two.


.... Two hours had passed.

"That fast?" Ethea stood up from her seat.

Reincarnated On A Novel As A Non Existent Character(I am not Ethea)Where stories live. Discover now