Chapter 13: The meaning behind the letter

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Days had passed since Zion left Astiane. Ethea and him had kept in touch by writing letters to each other.

But recently, Zion had not sent a letter.

"What is he doing?" Ethea, who was ticking her finger on the table kept thinking on why Zion did not respond to the letter she sent.

Whilst Ethea thinks, someone knocked on the door.

*Knock *Knock

"It's me my lady." Claire entered the room and was holding a letter in her hand.

Ethea saw the letter and was excited to see who the sender was.

"That letter is for me, right?" Ethea asked Claire and stood up from her seat.

"Of course why else would I come here, my lady?"

Ethea then took the letter from Claire's hands and examined it.

"Hmm no family crest in the stamp?" Ethea opened the envelope that contained the letter.

The author of the letter was no other than Liziane. After seeing who it was, Ethea's happy face suddenly went gloomy.

"I should not have let my hopes up." Ethea said as she threw the letter away.

"Who sent the letter my lady, was it not prince Theodore?" Claire catches the letter Ethea threw.


"Yes, it isn't." Ethea lay down her bed and placed her hand on her head in a dramatic way.

"You should at least still read the letter my lady." Claire handed out the letter to Ethea.

Ethea took the letter and started reading it.

"Dear Ethea, after weeks of searching and studying, I have finally deciphered the meanings of the letter.

I may not tell it to you by letter for it might be leaked as what I have discovered from the letter is something that should not be revealed. Thus, I invite you for tea tomorrow on my palace, where we can talk about the contents of it."

"Sincerely, your friend Liziane." Ethea finished reading the letter.

"What did lady Liziane mean my lady?" "what letter?" Claire asked but Ethea did not answer.

"I should prepare for the tea time tomorrow should I not?" Ethea smiled.

"Ah, yes my lady." Claire bowed.


Ethea dressed up in a red floral dress and had her hair tied in a ponytail. She stepped inside the carriage and took a seat. The carriage was heading to Liziane, the north palace.

Ethea arrived sooner than expected. There was no hindrance on the carriage ride.

She stepped down the carriage and was greeted with the north's palace servants forming two lines.

Liziane in the middle, walked up to Ethea and curtsied.

"Welcome lady Ethea."

"My..." "You did not have to do this, it's too much." Ethea felt weird having many people greet her as she only came for tea.

"I just wanted to this this." Liziane chuckled.

"Well this way Lady Ethea."

Liziane showed the way to the tea room. A guard opened the door for them and Liziane instructed the servants not to enter unless an emergency.

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