Chapter Two - Who's she?

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Y/N's POV:
I woke up to a smell of peppermint tea and freshly baked waffles filling my room. I opened my eyes and turned onto my side, glancing at the alarm clock beside my bed. 8:15. I yawned and stepped out of bed before changing into my clothes for the day.

Huh. This is weird. Since when did the Doctor cook his own breakfast ?

Confused, but slightly pleased, I walked down the corridor into the console room.

"Ah! Brilliant! There you are Y/N! I've got something to show you - take a bite of this!" And with that, the Doctor shoved a large piece of waffle into my mouth.
"Mmm lovely" I called back in response. "A bit too much sugar though" I chuckled and gave the Doctor a grin.
"Tell her that" The Doctor laughed and pointed behind me. I turned around confused, Tell who what? until I spotted a figure in the doorway leading to the corridor I was just in. 

Who's she? And how did she get into the TARDIS?
I gave a polite smile to the stranger, unsure on why she was there. "Ah, you must be Y/N. I'm River Song. Archaeologist. I've heard lots about you." With that, she extended an arm in my direction. I shook it, cautiously.

I smiled back at her again, and turned towards the Doctor's direction. How comes he's never mentioned a River Song before? I frowned at him, hoping for an answer until I saw a spark of pain in his eyes. Only for a second, but it was enough for me to realise that there probably a good reason why he had never mentioned this mystery lady before. After all, there's so much about the Doctor I still don't know to this day.

"So Y/N, how's life travelling with the marvellous Doctor then?" River Song called out, winking at the Doctor. "Oh stop it" The Doctor flirted back. I spun back round to River, trying to observe the lady before me. She had a mane of honey-blonde curly hair, framing her perfectly symmetrical face. And her smile.. her smile seemed like one of those smiles that just lighted up a room as soon as she stepped foot in it. She had -

"Y/N?" The Doctor walked over to me. "Is everything okay?" He asked gently. "What? Oh yeah I'm fine." It was only then I realised that I had been staring. "Er- yes, yes I do enjoy travelling with the Doctor" I awkwardly replied.

Kicking myself for what just happened, I brushed past River and walked along the corridor back to my room.

What happened? Why did I react like that? What came over me? A million thoughts surrounded my head as I heard a knock at the door. "Yes..?" I called back at the door.

"Can I come in?"

It was River.

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