Chapter Seven - Can you remember?

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River's POV:
I walk into the console room to find that the Doctor and Y/N were already in there.

"Morning lover" I winked at Y/N, giving her one of my award-winning smiles. I wrapped my arms around her waist from behind.

"Lover?" Y/N exclaimed, with a panicked look on her face - slowly unwrapping the hands I had placed above her hips.

I frowned at her before glancing at the Doctor, who had a matching expression on his face. What is going on with Y/N?

The Doctor walked over to me and took me to the corridor, leaving Y/N standing there, stunned, in the console room.

"What the hell is going on with Y/N?!" I demanded. The Doctor stood there for a moment.
"Tell me!!" I yelled, making the Doctor cover his ears at the sound. I paused.
I could hear Y/N moving towards us from the other room, so I dragged the Doctor into one of the TARDIS's bathrooms and locked the doors behind us - to make sure Y/N couldn't get in and overhear.

"Please Doctor" I begged, "Can you tell me what's going on?"

"River." The Doctor started, "We need to talk about last night." I nodded, waiting for him to carry on.

"I heard you last night, in Y/N's room - but if you weren't with Y/N.. then who were you with?" The Doctor asked calmly. "That - that was me and Y/N.." I replied, confused.
"Then how comes she seems to have no memory of what went on in that bedroom?"

I stood in silence as the Doctor unlocked the door and left the room. That night meant so much to me.. how could she forget it? I could feel a tear form at the corner of my eye, then roll down my cheek. I didn't try to stop it - I just stared into space, crying silently.

The Doctor's POV:
I unlocked the bathroom door and shut it behind me, leaving River in the room alone. She was upset, anybody could see that, and needed time to herself.

"Doctor?" a voice called out to me from the console room. "What's going on? What happened with River?" It was Y/N.

I pulled my sonic out of my blazer pocket and scanned her with it, hoping that it could give me a clue about what was going on.
Nothing showed up. Completely normal.

I sighed and started walking towards my bedroom, when a hand grabbed my shoulder and turned me round. Y/N again. Although this time she was wearing a different set of clothes. Wow. She sure changes quick.

"Y/N" I sighed and looked her in the eye. "What's been going on? You're confusing us all. Just, please tell me what's happening." I spoke with a stern voice, hoping for her to confide in me. "I-" She started.

"Doctor?" I turned round - it was Y/N. But if that as Y/N.. then who was the Y/N standing in front of me..

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