Chapter Eight - A what?

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The Doctor's POV:
"A what?" Y/N asked.
"A Zygon." I casually replied.
"And that is?"
"Zygons are shapeshifters. Creatures that are able to shapeshift to try and imitate other creatures."
"Right. Okay.. and so that Zygon thing was trying to shapeshift into me?" Y/N questioned.
"Correct" I said cooly.

I glanced over at River. She was leaning against the wall, arms crossed with a dissatisfied look on her face.
"So you're telling me Y/N" She began. Y/N turned round to look at her. "That last night, everything from the sex to the kiss.. that wasn't you.. that was that thing?" She pointed at the Zygon, which was now in it's regular form.

"No. Not all of it. The kiss was me.. but the rest, the rest was the alien. I'm sorry." Y/N apologised.

"No. No sweetie don't say sorry. It's not your fault. I just didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable, that's all." River ran towards Y/N and wrapped her arms round her lover's neck. Y/N dug her face into River's wild, curly hair. I smiled at the sight.

I'm not the one to say what happened next, but the pair made their way back to Y/N's bedroom - leaving me to deal with the Zygon.

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