Chapter Six - Confusion

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The Doctor's POV:
Jack and I spent most of the evening sipping on tequilas, so when I got back to the TARDIS first thing in the morning - I wasn't suprised when I could hear some interesting noises coming from
Y/N's room.
I chuckled to myself and went straight to bed, not wanting to interrupt Y/N's and River's 'activities'.

Soon enough, it was time to start a new day again. I got out of bed and headed towards the console room in the TARDIS. Only to find Y/N already in there, holding a coffee in one hand, and a bagel in the other.
"Morning" I grinned from ear-to-ear, desperate get some sort of reaction from the girl. "Morning Doctor..?" Y/N replied, confused and slightly concerned, "Everything okay?"

"Yes. Yes, everything fine with me." The Doctor smirked and straightened his bowtie. "Got much sleep last night?" He innocently questioned, waiting for a response from Y/N.


The Doctor frowned at her, confused. If that wasn't Y/N with River last night - then who was it? And why were they in Y/N's room?

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