Visiting Guardians

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Walking into the room, Dimitri instantly knew this would not end well. Why? Because there, at the front of the room, was infamous Guardian Janine Hathaway. Normally Rose would shrivel up when her mother is present but she instead stood tall as she entered, sitting proudly and with confidence. Gone were the times she let her mother belittle her. While Rose has considered herself guardian to Vasilissa Dragomir since she was five, she now had two years of keeping said Princess safe in the human world. Alone. She's in the guardian ranks, despite being a novice. She has molnija, 5 as of this morning. As far as Rose was concerned, her mom could no longer claim she was not a guardian. All that she's missing is having graduated and received her title formally. Sitting in her usual seat, Rose surveyed the room, noting it was unusually full. No doubt drawn to hear the visiting guardians speak. Mom in particular.

One look to Rose was all it took for Dimitri to lose much of the admiration he once had for the infamous guardian. At one time, he'd have been among those guardians lining the wall, working an extra shift just to hear her speak to the students. In that one look, it was clear that Rose had no idea her mother would be here. He also noticed the lack of greeting between them when she entered. No, Janine Hathaway treated her daughter like any other novice. It dimmed any of his excitement, how she had treated his Roza. There I go again. She is not MY anything he scolded before taking his spot on the wall. 

Once upon a time Rose would have relished an opportunity to listen to other guardians combat tales, looking as enamored as her fellow novices or the guardians lining the wall. Not now. No longer does she think of killing strigoi as impressive and worthy of being celebrated. Now she understood just why her mother was so drawl in her retellings. Surviving is the biggest feat a guardian can accomplish. Even more so when any others you are protecting also survive. It is something she truly learned after the Badica incident, recognizing the different outcome that may have occurred if she had not been able to sense them. She still didn't quite understand how she could, but was in no doubt of her ability to do so anymore.

Surveying the room, she noticed Dimitri watching her but refused to acknowledge it. In fact, she pretended not to notice that his eyes were more trained on her than the class he was supposed to protect. Rose was done chasing him and is now just protecting her heart. Continuing her appraisal, she realized they were disadvantaged if attacked right now. With so many present, there was little room to move. It was easy to pinpoint the more problematic novices and guardians in a fight too, knowing them well enough to discern the strongest and weakest fighters. Something else she learned is that it is also dangerous being too eager to get involved in a fight. While it's something she is still learning to control, waiting for Dimitri's signal at the Badica house showed her progress. That was the difference being a liability or asset. Her musings were interrupted by Stan beginning the class by introducing the visiting speakers.

"I know this is unusual," Stan explained. "Visiting guardians usually don't have time to stop by classes. Our three guests today have made time to come talk to you in light of the recent Badica attack. While there were no casualties, we're told the situation could've been very different. With that in mind, we thought you'd benefit by herring from some currently in the field." The class tensed with excitement. Hearing stories, particularly ones with a lot of blood and action, was a hell of a lot more interesting than anything else that happens here, in Stan's class in particular. During the first guardians' scenario, Dimitri saw Rose mentally working out what she would've done. It differed with the second guardian, not looking at all impressed. He couldn't disagree.

"Rosemarie. Pay attention to what we guardians are trying to tell you. We have the real life experiences you are learning about. You should pay us the respect we deserve by listening as avidly as your fellow novices" Janine scolded, clearly failing to notice Rose's facial expressions during the stories. Dimitri took a deep breath and held it, waiting for Rose to explode. He wasn't alone. A recent transfer also went rigid, as though expecting a particular reaction. Sniggers erupted at the reprimand. Thankfully Rose did not rise to the bait, instead taking a deep and calming breath before responding.

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