Chapter 33

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Jakes POV

I felt bad for leaving my mom and my sister alone with the boys but I knew Tom would talk to mom and Chaz and Reece would play with Syd. Ad Chris would gladly play too.

I felt bad but at the same time I was a mess. I seemed I be bipolar. One minute I was crying on my bedroom floor next I was screaming and then I was pulling out my hair then I was hitting the wall and throwing things.

My knees were pulled to my chest and that seemed usual for them to be there lately. Tears stained my face as my hand shook. Now I was at the state of crying.

I can't believe I snapped at Casey like that. I felt bad for snapping but I hadn't been prepared for him to react like that. I was able to react any other way. I felt but El tells me that's how she felt while recovering. She said it gets better.

"Jake?" I hear Ellie outside my door and I sigh. As much as I loved Ellie I didn't want to talk. I wanted to cry and hit people and ugh. I didn't answer her and I hear a sigh. I loved her I did but I needed to be alone.

*Casey's POV*

What was up with him? he just left like something happened. What had happened? I sighed and glanced at my wrist. Small dashes ran across it. I covered it soon as the door opened. Tom shoved his head in the door way and I smiled at him.

"Hey Tommy." My voice is small and almost broken. He comes in and sits down. Hovering over the seat for a moment using his ants and ten plopping down into it I smirked at him trying to be cool.

"Hey Case. What's up with Jakey?" he asks and cocks an eyebrow up and jabs his shoulder to the direction of the door. I shrug and twist my hospital bracelet. I wanted to get out of here ASAP. I didn't need to be here. Sure I had problems sleeping but nothing major.

That's a lie. I didn't sleep at all when Jake wasn't beside me. I drank coffee and energy drinks. I kept seeing the night Jake tried to kill himself. The doctor said it was PDSD or Post Dramatic Stress Disorder. So in other words I'm a freak.

"How you feeling Case?" I shrug and don't answer verbally. He sits and twists a ring on his thumb. He almost seems to be reading it. I scrunch my noes but look away.

"Want any food?" I shake my head and still don't use my voice. I didn't feel like it. I hear Tom sigh again but nods once then looks at the ring again. He the sets it on my side table. It's the only noise in the room and my head snaps to it.

"Keep this." Then he stands and levels me alone. The door closing seems to echo but I know it's in my head. I sigh and take the ring in my hand. I look at the words engraved into it.

Don't worry, if its meant to be it will be

I sighed and slid the metal on my finger. He was right. If Jake and I are really meant to be together than we will be.

And I knew we were.

And I knew I needed to get out of this freakin hospital.


Sorry it was short I've got writers block! OMG THANG YOU ALL FOR 1K! I forgot that in the last chapter but thank you!! And... LOVE ME SO IS AVAILABLE IN THE US FOR PREORDER!! I know that doesn't mean much to some of you but I live in the US so I'm really happy right now!

Instagram: @aye_reece_nutella or @morganallen1109

Twitter: @carrotqueen459

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