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- By: Kairiki Bear -

What is it that's not good enough about our lives?

Where's the right answer? Look for it, look for it!
正解どこなんだ 探せよ探せ

There are no exceptions in any way;
例外ない 二進も三進も

if it's below zero, even deterioration isn't exempt

The useful parts are like a shitty video game; we just spin, spin our wheels
正味クソゲーだ カラ空回れ

In exhaustion mode, our lives are "suffering"
倦怠モード「苦」だ 僕らの人生

It's a deadly poison in our school-give in to it, give in to it!
校内猛毒だ 屈めよ屈め

A magnificent knight-when pretending to be happy,

win or lose, you die by a lack of productivity
成敗DIE by生産性ない

Regrets are already "lonely"-smile, smile!
後悔もう「独」だ 笑えよ笑え

The recipe for my heart is flavored with attention-seeking;

I'm a nirvana junkie
かまちょ味 寂ジャンキー

I pretend more and more to be strong

and end up face-down in the mud

Gulping down the poison,

feeling pain, crying, there's no coughing up this veno-venom
苦しんで泣いて 吐き出せないのベノベノム


Oh my. Flirtiness, loneliness, poison flowing continuously;
あらま求愛性 孤独ドク 流るルル

c'mon, give me more love,
愛をもっと 頂戴な。

make the pain go away
ねぇ痛い痛いの とんでけ

Presence, isn't the blood gushing out
存在感 血 ドクドク 零るルル

and spilling continuously?

More love, love, sorrow, sorrow
愛 愛 哀 哀

Shout out, venom, no!
叫べ ベベノム めっ!

The highest we've scored in our lives is zero
最高点 ゼロだ 僕らの人生

We're completely low-energy-give in to it, give in to it!
断然テンションLOWローだ 屈めよ屈め

On a lonely night the clock strikes midnight
ロンリィNIGHT テッペン回って

and in my unclouded brain there's hope
狼狽ない 脳内HOPE もう一回

The penalty is to overdose once again-get up, get up!
オーバードーズ刑だ アガれよアガれ

My heart is full of helplessness;

I'm a helplessness junkie

I pretend more and more to be strong

and end up face-down, in pieces

Gulping down the poison,

feeling pain, crying, there's no running away from
苦しんで泣いて 逃げ出せないの

this veno-venom

Oh my. Flirtiness, loneliness, poison flowing continuously;
あらま 求愛性 孤独ドク 流るルル

c'mon, give me more love,

make the pain go away
ねぇ痛い痛いの とんでけ

Presence, "message read," don't you want
存在感 既読 ドク 欲しがルル

some poison?

More love, love, love, love
愛 愛 愛 愛

Destroy it, venom, no!
滅べ ベベノム めっ!

The poison and evil have already found their mark,
もう悪性 届く毒 回るルル

spinning continuously, I've been wounded more by sorrow-
哀でもっと 傷害な

hey, it hurts, it hurts, I'm sick, sick
ねぇ痛い痛いの SICK SICK

A poison to erase my existence-
存在 抹消 毒ドク 消えるルル

doesn't it always keep disappearing?

Love, love, sorrow, sorrow, love, love, sorrow, sorrow
愛 愛 哀 哀 愛 愛 哀 哀

Flirtiness, loneliness, poison flowing continuously;
求愛性 孤独ドク 流るルル

c'mon, give me more love,
愛をもっと 頂戴な。

make the pain go away
ねぇ痛い痛いの とんでけ

Presence, isn't the blood gushing out
存在感 血 ドクドク 零るルル

and spilling continuously?

More love, love, sorrow, sorrow
愛 愛 哀 哀

Shout out, venom,
叫べ ベベノム

shout out, venom,
叫べ ベベノム

shout out, venom, no!
叫べ ベベノム めっ!

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