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𝕴𝖓 𝖆 𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖙 of England called Wiltshire, there is a large manor that sits in a maze of forest green hedges. The mansion is massive, made of white brick with long columns of granite and marble, along with many other grand looking materials. Each tower is topped with black roofing. There are over 100 windows in the front of the house, making the house look more like a castle. But why not? They were practically royalty.

The hedges were always trimmed perfectly, though no one tended to them, and there was a long gravel driveway that wound through the maze and out of it, though cars were never driven on it. Cars were for Muggles.

White peacocks strutted over the lawns and in the maze, their feathers fanned out proudly. Always a shock, when one first saw them. White peacocks are a rare thing. Just another sign of their wealth.

The inside of the Manor was just as grand looking as the outside, perhaps more. All of their furniture was made of the most expensive woods in the world, and everything was matched perfectly in color and style. Narcissa, the lady of the house, had a good eye for such things.

And the wood wasn't just expensive, it was made by wizards, which made the furniture all that more superior than Muggle furniture.

Along the walls were old portraits of past descendants of the family, watching critically at every person that walked through the halls.

Only three people lived within the large walls of the Manor. A father, a mother, and their one and only son. There was also a house-elf in the house, along with a number of hidden dark objects.

At the moment, the master of the house was sitting at the large oak desk in the library which was also the equivalent of his office. Not because he didn't have enough rooms to make the library and the office separate, but because he felt a sense of peace and accomplishment in the library. A long piece of parchment sat in front of him, words covering half the paper, his quill hesitating underneath the last line.

Had he gotten everything? These Ministry searches were a pain in the arse. Of course, the objects in the secret chamber under the drawing room floor would be safe. The Ministry wouldn't even think of looking under the floorboards.

He'd have to transfigure the door that led to the dungeons though. Having dungeons in these times was not something that would be looked upon with any sort of favor by the Ministry. It would be a simple charm probably, changing the door into wall. Or at least a façade that looked like the wall. Put some sort of antique artifact on a pedestal in front of the door.

He set his quill back down in the inkwell, leaning back in his chair for a moment. His long blond hair fell in neat sheets around his face and he ran his finger over the fancy metal handle of his wand.

There was something he could do with one of the other objects. It wasn't as though there was any reason to keep it anymore, and the destruction it could do would make getting rid of the object a win-win situation.

He pushed back from the desk, standing to his feet, and rolled up the parchment, placing it deep into one of his pockets. He walked briskly from the library, leaving the library door slightly ajar. Casual.

He walked down to one of the secret chambers where many of his dark objects he'd never give up were held.

He walked over to a safe that was half hidden in the wall and put his hand against it, murmuring words under his breath.

The safe clicked and he jerked the handle open, pulling out the small black book, flipping through it.

There was nothing written in it, nothing had ever been written in it. The Dark Lord had said that the diary was more permanent than that- the right person would know how to access it. He pocketed it in the opposite pocket as the list of dark objects. He closed the safe door again, hearing it whir, though nothing was hidden in it anymore.

He walked back up the stairs, moving the floorboards back so that nothing looked out of place before moving off to a small room by the side, wondering how exactly he would get this book to Hogwarts.

He had been thinking of giving it to his son, of course. Draco could certainly open the Chamber of Secrets with the book that the Dark Lord had given him, so many years ago.

But say things went wrong? Say that Draco got caught? Not that Draco would get caught. . . but the boy could make mistakes, he was only twelve. And Dumbledore. . . that Mud-blood lover. . . he would jump on Draco the moment he got a chance. He couldn't rely on Severus' protection for his boy, even if the Professor favored Draco over all the other students.

But there were other children going to Hogwarts. Harry Potter. . . Hermione Granger. . . Ronald Weasley. . . Elizabeth Kane. . . Draco had told him all about the four kids that stuck together, seemingly some of the best kids in the school. Or at least, the two girls were the smartest and the two boys got into trouble and Dumbledore got them out of it. Typical Dumbledore.

Oh, how Draco had complained that Hermione Granger and Elizabeth Kane only had higher grades because the teachers' liked them. And this Granger girl was a Mud-blood. . . but she could not be framed. . . she didn't have the power. . .the ability.

And the Potter boy would never open the Chamber of Secrets. The other kids. . . the Weasley boy and the Kane girl were probably to close to Harry. . . he'd notice. . .

But ah! Of course! The Weasleys had another kid, the littlest one- their girl. He didn't know her name, he didn't care about the names of blood traitors.

But say he could get the diary to her. Well then, Arthur Weasley's own daughter, killing Mud-Bloods? It would disgrace Arthur, disgrace the Weasley family forever. It was the best plan. If the Dark Lord was correct, the diary could potentially possess the holder.

And besides, if the girl just gave the diary to Arthur or Dumbledore, it would get rid of the Diary as they would destroy it. He didn't want it. And Part of him wondered if he wouldn't prefer that it get destroyed before it got used.

He smiled in the room and then turned annoyed as the house-elf walked into the room. "What is it Dobby?" He snapped.

Dobby's eyes were on the diary, fear in the large green tennis ball eyes. "You- you are not- not using that- surely, master?"

Lucius Malfoy threw back his head and laughed. "No, Dobby. No, I won't be using it, indeed." He could tell the house-elf whatever he wanted and the elf couldn't tell a soul. "No, no, this will be going to Hogwarts this year and the Chamber of Secrets will be opened once more."

"But- but- Master Draco will- will be at- at Hogwarts this year! Surely- surely you will not want there to be trouble while- while he is there! Master?" Dobby asked nervously, his hands clasped in front of him.

Lucius Malfoy smirked, standing up, and pocketing the the diary in his pocket. Draco would not be in danger as he was a pure-blood. "Long live the Boy who Lived." He muttered under his breath as he walked from the room, leaving the elf to mutter and, unknowingly, take matters into his own hands. 

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