Chapter 6

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𝕴 𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖊𝖉 𝖙𝖍𝖊 Potions dungeon with apprehension in my stomach. I mean, Snape wasn't going to kill me but still. . .

I was confused when I walked in because the ingredients Professor Snape had taught me a couple days ago were laid out on the table again. I recognized lavender, Adder's tongue, betel nut, African sea salt, and aramadillo bile. Yuck. There was a skin to something green and bumpy on the table as well.

I looked around for Professor Snape, but there was no one in sight. I sat down at the table and waited, my anxiety growing. Did I have time for a nap? You're in trouble, I scolded myself, stop thinking about naps.

The time seemed to grow longer. Then, the door slammed open from behind me, bouncing off the wall. I jumped and spun around. Professor Snape looked angrier than I had seen, Professor Lockhart followed behind him, wearing robes of blood red. I groaned and turned back around.

"Ah, Miss Potter!" Professor Lockhart said, coming over and clapping me on the shoulder. I flinched from his touch, both not having expected it, and also- it was unwelcoming. "Detention with Professor Snape? Unlucky you. I've got Mr. Potter tonight. Perhaps next time you get detention, you can do it with me!"

"I don't make a habit of getting detention." I said stiffly. "And when are you going to drop this 'I'm Harry's sister charade'? It's getting a bit tiresome.'" I shrugged out from underneath his hand.

Professor Lockhart waved his hand, moving out to lean on my shoulder again. "What charade? If you'd just admit-"

"She's already clearly stated that she's not Potters' sister and perhaps if you'd call her by her correct name she'd be more receptive." Professor Snape said icily, stepping between us.

Professor Lockhart didn't seem perturbed at all, not like Professor Snape was the scariest Professor in the school or anything. "Very well, I'll call you by Kane if you want. It's not an attractive last name, but I suppose if that's what you want, that's what I'll do. Now Severus-"

"Gilderoy, you have a detention to attend to as do I, we can continue this conversation. . . eventually." Snape snarled, his lip curling.

Lockhart left the dungeons and I sat back down on my stool. "What am I doing tonight, Professor?" I asked, apprehensive.

"We'll be continuing class." Professor Snape said striding up to his desk and grabbing items off his desk.

"Er- sorry?" I asked, confused. "I'm supposed to be doing-"

"A detention?" Snape asked, rather snappishly. "I'm not stupid Miss Kane, I am quite aware of why you're here."

I had no response for that, feeling quite embarrassed.

Snape turned back to the table with multiple jars and tools. "I may be teaching, but you're going to be doing all the work tonight."

"Oh. So it's a work-learn experience. Wonderful!" I said, getting excited.

"Stop being so excited, you're in trouble." Professor Snape said but he was no longer angry. He almost seemed amused- if amusement was one of his emotions.

"Sorry." I muttered.

"Get to work Kane." Professor Snape said, kicking a stool towards the table and sitting down across from me.

I picked up the first ingredient and started to write.


𝕴 𝖜𝖆𝖑𝖐𝖊𝖉 𝖇𝖆𝖈𝖐 to the common room, my fingers stiff and my arms heavy. I couldn't wait for sleep. I felt weird too. Why in the world had Snape canceled my detention? If Harry had punched Draco in the face. . .

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