Chapter 16

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𝕴 𝖒𝖊𝖙 𝕳𝖆𝖗𝖗𝖞 and Ron at the Gryffindor table the following morning. I avoided Snape's' stares, putting my back to him. Harry started to tell me his theory about the girl who had died in the bathroom but I interrupted him grumpily.

"Moaning Myrtle." I said, slathering grape jam on my toast. "I understood that much."

"All those times we were in the bathroom and she was just three toilets away. And we could've asked her and now. . ." Ron drifted off bitterly, for once not stuffing his face with food. I couldn't talk though, I loved eating.

"We're going to have to talk to her." Harry muttered stirring his spoon in his porridge mindlessly. "Somehow."

"That's going to be impossible." I said, wiping jam off my hand with a napkin. "Its a girls bathroom, we aren't supposed to be in the corridor by ourselves, not to mention it's right next to the place where everyone's been attacked. How are we supposed to get in there? At night, under the invisibility cloak?"

Harry and Ron had no answers and I headed off reluctantly to double Potions in the dungeons.

I took a seat in the back of the classroom, putting my cauldron in front of my face, while Susan took a seat next to me, greeting me solemnly. I said hello back as politely as possible and we started up a conversation about literally nothing.

Professor Snape was in a terrible mood this morning and snapped instructions about. I finished my potion with no mistakes. In any other class, I would've earned points but today, he seemed fit to not notice me and ignored my potion. I didn't particularly care at this moment.

Then, at the end of class, he announced that exams were still going to take place next week. This was met with some mutters of disappointment for those who had wished they were going to be canceled. Of course, I had foreseen this and did not particularly find it interesting nor upsetting. It was good to have something to place my mind on.

The following day, I received a letter from dad. It made me blush and was glad that I had privacy when I read it.

Dear Elizabeth,
If Dumbledore is truly gone, then you shouldn't be taking such unnecessary risks. You need to stop going out to the forest and sneaking about at night! I would feel absolutely terrible if something happened to you.
I am so sorry to hear about Hermione. I know that she is a really good friend of yours. But you shouldn't worry. Professor Sprout, Professor Snape, and Madam Pomfrey are all extremely skilled at their jobs and so all the petrified are in good hands.
I don't understand the idea of getting caught up with boys but then again, I was never particularly caught up with girls either. I suppose this was because of my state of being and I never wanted to harm someone that I could romantically be in love with. However, I don't blame you for being interested in boys. A parents' love can only carry so much. However, I must approve of them and I will say that I don't approve of many boys.
I am not going to tell you that I like your sketches because I feel that if I were to tell you that they are beautiful, exquisite, and lovely, I may end up encouraging you to go back into the forest and draw more so I must refrain from any sort of compliments or encouragement.
I understand that exams will be coming up very soon so I want you to study hard. Don't be too stressed out, I know you'll do wonderfully (given that you stay safe of course).

I laughed a couple of times while reading it. It was obvious he'd tried to make the letter humorous, probably because I'd told him I was down.

True to my word, I had treats for Sadie to eat while I had read the letter and I didn't feel compelled to write him a letter back yet. So, Sadie (after eating) flew off to the owlery in order to get some sleep.

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