Chapter 14

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𝖂𝖊 𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖉 𝖙𝖍𝖊 first week of February. Harry showed Hermione and I a diary he had found in Myrtle's bathroom. Someone had apparently tried to flush it away. Hermione was very excited with the diary for some reason. I thought it looked familiar and was trying to place where I'd seen it before.

We were sitting in the Gryffindor common room. I had my back to the rest of the room and kept feeling a prickling sensation on the back of my neck, a sure sign that Fred was probably looking over at us. It took all my willpower not to look at him.

Harry handed the diary over to Hermione. I hadn't seen this either and was starting to get agitated. Maybe my powers were broken. But I had seen the diary. . .it was Ginny's! I kept my mouth shut. It wasn't my business to tell them it was hers. . . or maybe I couldn't? It was hard to tell.

"Oooh, it might have hidden powers." Hermione said, opening the book and flipping through it.

"If it has, it's hiding them very well." Ron said, a bit amused. "Maybe it's shy." I laughed as Ron continued, addressing Harry, "I don't know why you don't chuck it, Harry."

"I wish I knew why someone did try to chuck it." Harry said with a slight frown. "I wouldn't mind knowing how Riddle got an aware for special services to Hogwarts either."

I frowned. Hadn't I seen that trophy last year?

"Could've been anything." Ron said bored. "Maybe he got thirty O.W.L.s or saved a teacher from the giant squid. Maybe he murdered Myrtle; that would've done everyone a favor. . ."

"It's impossible to get thirty O.W.Ls" I corrected him, frowning at him. I glanced over at Harry.

"What?" Ron asked, looking between Harry, Hermione, and me.

"Well," Harry said slowly, thinking hard, "the Chamber of Secrets was opened fifty years ago, wasn't it? That's what Malfoy said."

"Yeah. . ." Ron said curiously.

"And this diary is fifty years old. . ." Hermione said, tapping the diary.

"So?" Ron asked stupidly.

"Wake up Ron!" I snapped at him. Honestly! "We know the person who opened the Chamber last time was expelled fifty years ago. Riddle won an award for special services to the school fifty years ago. Perhaps Riddle got his award for catching the culprit. Therefore, his diary would hold all the secrets of the event."

"That's a brilliant theory, Elizabeth." Ron said sarcastically, "with just one tiny little flaw. There's nothing written in his diary."

Hermione quickly pulled her wand out of her bag. "It might be invisible ink!" She declared, smoothing down the page and pointing her wand at it, "Aparecium!" Nothing happened and I felt a swell of disappointment. However, Hermione wasn't done. She pulled out what looked like a Muggle eraser. "It's a Revealer, I got it in Diagon Alley." She said and rubbed hard on where the date would've been. Once again, nothing happened.

"I'm telling you, there's nothing to find in there." Ron said, leaning back on the couch. "Riddle just got a diary for Christmas and couldn't be bothered filling it in."

I frowned, unable to accept this theory, but also unable to figure out what the secret was. I would have to be on the lookout for visions.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione also went to look at the trophy that had Riddle's name on it, though I didn't go because I didn't feel like going. Instead, I spent much of the day working on the grounds with Hagrid. He was in a very peculiar mood but wouldn't tell me what was upsetting him.

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