Chapter 13

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𝕾𝖎𝖓𝖈𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖔𝖚𝖇𝖑𝖊 attack, there was a stampede to book rooms on the Hogwarts Express. I will admit, I would've signed up if dad had been home.

"At this rate, we'll be the only ones left." Ron told Harry, Hermione, and I one afternoon as we were on a walk outside. "Us, Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle. What a jolly holiday it's going to be."

Harry however, had confided in me that he was glad everyone was leaving. I couldn't agree more.

Something we were both happy about were Fred and George's responses to Harry's infamy. They were going out of their way to march ahead of Harry in corridors shouting, "MAKE WAY FOR THE HEIR OF SLYTHERIN, SERIOUSLY EVIL WIZARD COMING THROUGH. . ."

This always resulted in some laughs from the other students, mostly in Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. I laughed too, and it made Harry grin. Some students, like Percy for instance, found this disapproving behavior.

"It is not a laughing matter." He said coldly to Fred and George.

"Oh, get out of the way, Percy." Fred scoffed, pushing Percy's shoulder. "Harry's in a hurry."

"Yeah, he's off to the Chamber of Secrets for a cup of tea with his fanged servant." George said, trying to say with a straight face and failed, laughing.

Ginny of course, didn't find this funny either, and kept telling Fred and George to stop it. Every time Fred asked Harry who he was going to attack next or George warding Harry off with garlic made her go, "Oh, don't."

Their antics made Harry feel better, mostly because it was showing everyone how ridiculous the idea of Harry as the heir of Slytherin was. I wasn't teased as much, simply because for some reason, Harry made for a better target. Perhaps because he was Harry Potter, perhaps because everyone had heard him speak Parseltongue whereas only a few people had heard me speak the language. Maybe Harry just made a better heir than I did. Whatever the case, most people didn't seem to care much about me as they did Harry.

Over Christmas, I was one of the twenty-one Hufflepuffs who stayed for Christmas. The other Hufflepuffs were fifth-year and up, both prefects and both head students, were the ones who had stayed. There was no one below fourth-year except me.

This meant that I had the dorm room to myself and gave me time to organize my jars of nuts and leaves and other things I'd collected in the forest. It also gave me time to dry the flowers properly before pressing them into my journal.

The only Gryffindors that had stayed were Hermione, Harry, and the Weasleys. There wasn't a single other Gryffindor which meant that I could stay over if I wanted. It was like doing a sleepover away from home. . . away from home.

I slept in Hermione's dorm on Christmas Eve and she woke me up early. She had apparently been up early because she had dark circles under her eyes. There was a stack of presents at the end of the bed meaning that Sadie had discovered I wasn't staying in my usual dorm.

"I finished the Polyjuice potion." Hermione greeted me excitedly. "Let's go tell the boys."

I groaned and rolled over, wanting to go back to sleep. Hermione hit me with her pillow. I rolled out of bed and wrapped a thick blanket around me. Then, I scooped up the rest of my presents and made my way up to the boys dorm.

Hermione burst into the room without knocking, jolting both of them awake, and opening their shades, letting in the bright sun. I dumped my presents on an open bed and went and laid down next to Harry, curling up like a cat.

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