5.) Restaurant Media

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When you woke up you realized that the car was no longer moving so you woke Lee Know up and Told him "I think we're here already" You guys looked out the window to see your stepdad waiting for you guys outside. You guys quickly crawled out and apologized. You guys had explained to him that you guys fell asleep during the car ride, but it turned out that you guys weren't even at the hotel. You guys were just at a fancy restaurant. Your stepdad told you guys not to worry since your outfits were suitable for the place. You were wearing a cozy yet fancy dress that was black, and Lee Know was wearing jeans with a white shirt.

 Your dad said his outfit wasn't as suiting, so he got him a black suit to match you. He gave it to Lee Know. Lee Know changed in the car and came out very fancy,  but your dad told Lee Know something. Late,  when you guys were having dinner,  your dad wanted to discuss something with both of you. He said that he wished Lee Know to become a K-pop idol and if he did, he would grant Lee Know permission to marry you someday and would also pay for all of the wedding, all of the proposal stuff, after parties, etc. Lee Know had said he wanted to accept your dad's offer,  but you weren't so sure about Lee Know going to become an idol.

 You said that as long as he just went to good entertainment,  you would let him go. "Wonderful, so I will give you guys a few options for entertainment and I will send my men to research them as well!" You were sad that you weren't going to be able to see Lee Know as much anymore,  but you were also proud that he had a career already ahead of him. Although you thought to yourself that the only way it benefited you was from the wedding and possibly gaining fame from being his girlfriend. It was already too late to say anything but your stepdad saw you had a worried look and told you that he would try to buy a part of the company for you to be able to visit whenever you wanted to. Although it wasn't the best plan,  you still agreed and just wanted to support Lee Know, but even the fact of you guys getting married and having support and blessings from your stepdad made you happy. 

You guys eventually ordered and your food came, the waiter told you and Lee Know that you were a cute couple and should try setting up Instagram accounts. Your stepdad agreed and told you guys to make some later but Lee Know said that he didn't want to but you were totally up for it. After you guys finished eating you and Lee Know went in the back and you immediately got on your phone because you had wanted to make an account since the waitress told you.


Liked By miski_bek00l and 16k others

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Liked By miski_bek00l and 16k others

Went out to dinner with my stepdad and my boyfriend! The food was so good and the staff was nice:)

Dawe_tulips: No way someone can be that pretty?! Boutta fanpage her up fr fr 🫡

Miski_bek00l: The food looks so good but she's also so pretty! I wonder if she has a boyfriend.

Choi_seomin @miski_bek00l: I do have a boyfriend! He's the one that took the picture, also it's in the caption in case you didn't read it! :)

Miski_bek00l @Choi_seomin: Yeah I guessed you did bcz you are extremely pretty! Also thx for replying

Micancion: How to be this pretty broo

Wgoatedontop: Boutta be my celeb crush, might be taken but not in my dreams

See 4k other comments...


You told Lee Know but when you looked over at him he was already asleep so you changed and went back to the bed and woke up Lee Know to cuddle but instead of just cuddling he started giving you little pecks on your face and he made you blush while doing so. He just giggled at your reaction and fell asleep while holding onto you.


Creators note

Sorry for making the chapter so short, I was going to add smut to it but there was really no way of really adding it so I just decided to add 2 chapters in a row without smut! Sorry if This disappointed you, I also just really wanted to add pictures to a chapter and it was really fun but difficult to add to the chapters since for some reason it won't let me add them on my phone and only the computer. I have my own account on my mom's computer since I broke mine but then again I will still try my best to add photos once every while into the chapters. Another reason for that is that I also think the photos look nicer in chapters so then again I wanted to try to add photos to some of my chapters.  Another chapter will come out on June 20th or June 21st possibly adding pictures to the chapter. Also when I add pictures I have to upload them on phones and computers so it is a bit difficult since FOR SOME REASON MY STEP DAD TOOK IT AWAY?! So it might only be uploaded on a computer or smthn, I'm not too sure. (Bro doesn't even pay for my phone either so idk why he was aloud to take away my phone)

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