Introduction | Back story

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Hello! So this is my story that I've been working on for a little bit and I realized I didn't want to keep typing "y/n this y/n that" So I wanted to update to clarify some stuff before I work on it again! 

Hello! So this is my story that I've been working on for a little bit and I realized I didn't want to keep typing "y/n this y/n that" So I wanted to update to clarify some stuff before I work on it again! 

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Choi Seomin or also known as you, you can imagine it as yourself, of course, but I'm going to incorporate "Insta pics"! It will obviously always be a different face, but I will blur out the faces. Most of the time, the person's face will be covered, and if they are not, I will make sure to blur them before I put them up! :) You are also the main female lead of the story.

 Most of the time, the person's face will be covered, and if they are not, I will make sure to blur them before I put them up! :) You are also the main female lead of the story

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Lee Know

Obviously, the main male leads in the story. Please keep in mind that the story will not be exactly how he behaves or talks in person. This is all written within the creativity of my mind! :)

Your Step Dad

I don't have a picture of the guy, but just imagine him as an old, rich, nice, Korean guy.

Your mom

Also, I don't have a picture for her, so imagine her however you want


Next time, this will be updated. When there is a new side character introduced, you make a friend, a new family member, etc. But please do keep in mind this might update so that when a new character is introduced, come back here, and they might be introduced here. There will also be more images in the stories such as the following: Hotel rooms, outside of the hotel, restaurants, cars, houses, kitchens, pets, or stuff like that that will be seen in the story if it becomes a big-ish part of the story! Have fun, and thank you for supporting my stories by reading them or even if it's just for the smut, but as always, have fun! 


Back Story Time!!

One day you were walking back home from school as you usually did Monday through Friday and you saw your mom packing your bags as well as your bags when you got back home. You asked her what was happening and she told you that she was moving out and if you wanted to come with her. She said she was going to Seoul Korea, and you agreed since you had never been out of the state. Although New York was a fun place to live in, you wanted to get out of the loud and crowded space. You didn't have many friends there, so it wasn't going to be hard leaving your school anyways so you just left. Your mom had put you in classes that teach you Korean since middle school, and you had wondered why, but now, you had finally figured it out. 

Your mom was cheating on your dad with some rich guy from Korea, and he had proposed to your mom. He said she could take you if you wanted to go, so your mom asked you. You were also an only child, so it obviously made it easier for your mom to move away. As you finished packing your bags and putting them in the taxi, you went back inside to say goodbye, but he was crying. You obviously felt extremely bad leaving, but you had already made your choice. You told him you were sorry and gave him a big bear hug and cried yourself because you didn't like seeing him in pain but you reassured him that you would call and text him whenever you could.

 You said your final goodbyes and got into the taxi car with your mom waiting for you. She paid the taxi and told him to go to the airport, the taxi replied with an okay and you started to text your group chat telling them that you were moving to Korea. They asked you why, and you explained to them why and so they understood your decision and told you to text them if you ever met any cute guys in Korea.

The four chatters

Hey guys! I wanted to inform you guys that I'm gonna move to Korea so I won't be attending that school anymore. Also I won't be going for the rest of this week so if the teacher asks why js tell her I moved out state


Seomin! This was so outta the blue, we're gonna miss you 😔

AHHH, hope you get to make many great memories over there in Korea and if you do make sure to send us some pictures of the stuff over there because I've heard that there's a lot of cool and advanced stuff in Korea.

Who cares about advanced stuff in korea pearl🙄 Tell us if you meet any cute guys at korea because I'm sure there are many over there🤭 if no one likes you then theyre stupid bcz ur a literal goddess also like the others I hope you have fun min🫶

Bro, ily guys so much, I hope you guys know that. But I'll make sure to tell you guys about all that stuff. Also I'm pretty sure we're gonna have bank over here so I'll ask my mom to visit new York a few times a year!


After that, you basically said bye and told them you would text them later and they said they would text later too.  After that you took a nap and your mom told you that you guys had already arrived at the airport and you noticed that it wasn't just any airport, it was one of those fancy airports for the rich people but you weren't complaining since you've never been on one. When you guys got checked into the airport you and your mom got escorted to the 1st class seats which were very spacious and right as you guys sat down they offered you and your mom some delicious meals. You asked your mom how come all of this was possible since you guys were just middle class and didn't have much money but then your mom explained to you that the guy she was dating had paid all of the stuff for you guys to travel over there. After a few hours, you guys arrived at the guy's place and his house was basically like a palace!

He said that he called it his apartment place since he lived at a different one. He explained that 3 other people loved in there and that there was a whole lot more to explore so you got 2 whole stories to yourself. He also explained to you that the walls were all soundproof if you ever wanted to blast some music. You settled in but then a few days after your mom asked you if you wanted to go to a public school, a private school, or a charter school she expected you to say a private school but you instead chose a public school since you wanted to mean nice kids, not bratty kids so she let you. She signed you up but she told you that you guys had to wear uniforms even though it was a public school. You agreed just as long as you got to go to a public school and she told you you were starting next week so you can start shopping for stuff.

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