8.) Hopefully

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2nd person Pov-

When you woke up as always, you were cuddled up with Lino, and he was still hugging you but on his phone. You asked him what time it was and he told you it was 10:30 so you quickly got up. He got up with you, but you were going to the bathroom, so you shut the door in his face. He knocked before opening the door to see you brushing your teeth and grabbed your waist, kissing your neck, saying, "Not even a good morning, love?" You say,"Oh, I forgot, sorry baby." He starts brushing his teeth in the sink next to you, but he keeps looking at you and your wonder why.

Seomin's POV:

Why are you looking at me? "Oh, i'm just wondering if you're sore or not since you got up so fast. I mean, it was like 4 rounds.. just saying, " I hit him and laughed while he just smiled at me. Gosh, i loved his smile so damn much.

His smile made he feel so warm I could melt. He looked at me and asked me why i was looking at him so much, so i just told him that i loved his smile so much that he had to smile more. He giggled again and rinsed his mouth out before using mouth wash. I asked him if he wanted to go out today and he replied with "Yes, as long as you stick by my side all the time" It was always something to do with me and if it wasn't he wouldn't go or do it. He's so cute and clingy.

Lee Knows POV:

I didn't really want to go out, to be honest, but as long as Seomin was with me, i knew that we would have fun together. She mentioned something about a fan meeting with her followers on Instagram and i told her that it was a cold idea but i didn't want to show my face to HER fans since it was mainly an event for her. Even if i thought i wasn't going to have fun, i still went with her because it's something that revolves around her, and i'm in love his her. She told me if i was sure if i wanted to go, and i said i was sure, so we both dressed up. She said that since we were going to be out for a few hours to wear something comfortable, so i did, but i don't know about her outfit..

Seomin's POV:

Lino said he wanted to go with me, so we went to the mall, and i posted an hour before we went to the mall. A few minutes before we went to the mall, I posted a story of me and Lino holding hands, saying that we were almost there. When we got to the mall, I saw a bunch of people swarming the shop I told them I was going to be at, so I giggled. I pointed it out to Lino, and he seemed nervous, but I comforted him since I knew it was his first public meeting as a popular trainee. We got out of the car after a few minutes of waiting and talking, we started walking to the shop, and they all surrounded us, greeting us. Everyone was so nice and asked if they could take pictures with us or of us. Lino was very quiet and tried hiding, but everyone kept asking for a picture with him as well.

He pulled me to the back of the shop and told me that we was actually surprised that people wanted to take photos with him as well and not just me but i told him that they had probably found him online where and found out that we was a popular k-pop trainee and if not were already watching his survival show and were also fans of him. I told him that i was sure that most of the people had come here only for him, but he was so supportive and humbled that he thought they had all come for him. After a few hours of us talking with people, them coming in and out of the shop, taking photos, and chit chatting the shop was almost empty except for a few customers, the owners, and us. They had brought so many gifts for us that we almost couldn't carry them out to the car. A lot of people bought us a couple of stuff and plushes. After a few minutes of taking the gifts to the car, we went back in to go around the mall and do some shopping of our own.

I could tell Lino was out of his social energy, so i asked him if he wanted to go home yet, but he just held my hand and gave me a kiss on my hand.

Leeknows POV-

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