Hogwarts Express

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Summary: during summer holiday Barty starts to realize his feelings for Evan and now his heading back to Hogwarts

Perspective: Barty

TWs: n/a


I plopped down on one of the train seats, sighing slightly.

Finally I was heading back to Hogwarts. All summer that's what i had dreamed of. Not really going back to school but being able to see my friends again and get away from my dad.

I thought of Regulus and how much i had missed him. Regulus had been one of my first friends and believe it or not my gay awakening.

I had missed him a lot over the summer. 

But the one i really missed was Evan.

Evan Rosier.

Evan had been my first friend. The one person who really ever understood me. 

 I missed everything about him. I missed laughing and joking with him. I missed skating down the hallways and pushing first years down the stairs. But overall, i missed being around him. Just his presence made me feel better.

Over the summer, I started to catch feelings for Evan. Or i suppose, i realized I had feelings for him. 

And that made everything so much harder.

I missed so much about him. His dirty blonde hair. His color changing eyes that were sometimes grey, sometimes green but mostly blue. The way he smiled. The sound of his laugh that I would honestly never be able to forget.

I tucked my knees into my chest, staring at the door. Evan would be here soon. And so would Regulus.

I turned and stared out the window. It was raining slightly, a dull greyish blue color.

Like Evan's eyes.

I groaned, burying my head in my hands.

"Hey B, you okay?"

I looked up, seeing Evan standing there. My breath caught in my throat as I soon as I saw him.

His dirty blonde hair was hanging in front of his crystal eyes which were currently a mix of blue and grey. 

He ran his fingers through his hair, smiling down at me.

"Yeah, i'm fine," I smiled back, trying to stop the rapid beating of my heart.

"You sure?" he questioned, sitting down next to me, "Your face is bright red, do you have a fever?"

"Ev, I told you! I'm fine," I groaned, swatting his hand away before it reached my forehead.

"Yeah and i don't trust you,"

I glared at him, not saying anything.

"Fine, fine!" he surrendered, holding his hands up.

"Good," I smiled, trying not to stare at his lips. They were a bright pink and the way they were slightly parted made me want to lean forward and kiss him.

I curled my hands into fists, looking away from him.

"So, how was your summer holiday?" I asked.

"It was alright. As always, it was weird being away from you and Reg for so long" he shrugged, "speaking of Regulus, where is he?"

"I don't know, i think he went to Hogwarts early,"

"Oh, interesting," he whispered slowly.

"Yeah, i don't know. It's Reg, what do you expect?" I laughed, finally meeting his eyes.

"Fair enough," he laughed with me, our hands brushing for a moment.

I pulled away quickly, hating how much i love the feeling of his skin on mine.

"Bartemius," Evan said, cupping his hand under my chin and turning my head to look him in the eye. 

I flinched slightly, hearing him say my full name. He never called me by my full name. It was always "Barty" or "B". And that's the way i preferred it. Bartemius reminded me too much of my dad, either the fact that it is his name or because that's what he used to scold me.

"Are you sure you're okay?" he asked softly, his hand still under my chin.

I barely heard his words. All I could think about were his lips and how close they were to mine. 

They were so perfect.

So kissable.

Next thing I knew I was leaning in and so was he. Our lips met, the warmth of his sending a chill down my spine. 

My heart was beating like crazy in my ears and once i pulled away, my lungs refused to work.

I opened my eyes slowly, seeing Evan smiling at me.

"Ev.." I whispered, trying to steady my breathing.

"Yeah?" he whispered back, tracing his fingering down my face.

"I- damn, i've wanted to do that all summer," I sighed, leaning back.

"Just this summer?"

"Well, that was when I fully realized i suppose. Who knows how long i've actually been in love with you," 

"You're in love with me?" Evan laughed.

"You say that like you're not in love with me,"I glared over at him.

"You've got me there," he laughed.

I grabbed at his tie, pulling him in again. Our lips met again and somehow this felt stronger. His hands slipped to my waist, his fingers tracing along the bare skin under my shirt.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, running my fingers through his hair.

His tongue pressed against my lips and I slowly parted them, letting his tongue into my mouth. 

I felt a shiver go down my spine at the feeling of his tongue brushing against mine.

"Did you guys finally confess your love for one another or are you just snogging for practice?"

I pulled away quickly, opening my eyes to see Regulus standing at the doorway.

"I- hi Reggie.." I started slowly, untangling my fingers from Evans hair.

"Oh sorry, i didn't mean to interrupt...whatever is happening here," he smiled, sitting down across from us, "Just pretend like i'm not here."

"I forgot how annoying you were," Evan sighed, shaking his head.

"Hey, i'm not the one making out with my best friend on a public train,"

"Oh yeah i forgot, you only do that with your brothers best friend,"

"You both are idiots," I sighed, shaking my head. I laid back, resting my head in Evan's lap.

"Oh hello there," Evan laughed, twirling my hair in his fingers.

"Shh," I ordered, slapping his arm as I closed my eyes.

"Okay, okay," he laughed, "Goodnight B."

(word count: 946)

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