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This is based off a recommendation from @wolfstar_rosekiller 

TWs: injuries, getting knocked out, probably undiagnosed mental illness


"Fuck off Evan!" Barty exclaimed, chucking a book at the wall.

I wasn't sure what was going on with him but I felt like I needed to help him in some way. But I honestly had no idea how.

"B, i'm just trying to help!" I sighed, taking a step towards him.

"Stop it! Go away!" he yelled, arming himself with another book.

"Barty please-"

My words stopped as a book, slamming this time into my head rather than the wall. 

And then my vision went black.


I groaned, my eyes flickering open.

A bright white light filled my vision while a ringing in my ears filled my brain.

It took me a moment to realize what had happened and that made the pounding in my head worse.

Barty. I needed to find Barty.

I shot up and went to swing my legs off the bed when I noticed Regulus staring at me, a confused look on his face.

"What are you doing?" He asked, his left eyebrow raised.

"Barty," I said like he would understand what I meant.

"What about him?"

"Where is he? Where is Barty?" I questioned rapidly, barely able to breathe.

"I don't know, I haven't seen him all day," he shrugged.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," I whispered to myself, standing up. The world spun but I didn't care.

I needed to find Barty.

"Woah woah woah, were are you going?" Regulus asked, standing up next to me, his hand on my chest.

"I need to find Barty,"

With that, I ran out of the hospital wing. Regulus was calling after me but I wasn't listening. I couldn't see much as my vision had turned pretty much black but honestly I didn't care.

All I could think about was Barty.

I ran up to our room, glancing around. He wasn't there. But the door was shut.

I walked up to it, grabbing the handle.


"Barty?" I called, knocking.

"GO AWAY!" I heard him yell back.

"Please Barty, talk to me," I asked, basically pleading.

"I said go away!"

"Please B....."

He didn't say anything but I heard the sound of the lock clicking and I took that as a sign that I could go in.

I paused for a minute, my hand hovering over the handle. 

What if I was wrong? What if he didn't want to talk to me? What if Barty was still in that episode he was in before?

I grabbed the handle quickly, before i could second guess myself and opened the door.

I stepped inside slowly, seeing Barty curled in the corner.

"B..." I whispered slowly.

"I'm sorry," he sniffed, brushing a tear from his face.

"Hey, hey, Barty," I started, sitting down next to him. I reached out, my hand hovering over his.

"Why are you even talking to me?" he asked, not meeting my eyes.

"B..I-" I started softly but I couldn't think of an answer.

Other than the one that had been playing in my head since year 4.

"I'm an idiot and I hurt you. Why are you here?"

"Because i love you Barty!"

I didn't think about the words before I said them and once I realized what I had said, I couldn't take it back.

We were both silent for what seemed like hours, neither of us even daring to breath.

"I...." Barty said slowly, glancing up.

"I'm not joking B," I whispered, looking anywhere but his eyes.

"Are you serious?"

"No, i'm Evan," I laughed, " you have an response for me or....?"

He smiled, tucking his knees into his chest.

I cupped my hand under his chin, pulling him in slowly. Our lips touched softly and I felt a shiver go down my spine.

"I think i might love you to Ev," 

(word count: 579)

Editors Note:

Yeah this isn't edited that much and its also not that long so yeah, take it

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