New Years Kiss

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Summary: Its New Year's Eve and Barty doesn't have a kiss

Perspective: Barty

TWs: swears, mentions of being drunk


New Year's Eve has always been one of my favourite holidays but this year it was different.

Honestly, I had never really minded kissing random people. For me, that was the fun of the holiday. 

But this year.....

I sighed, laying back on my bed. 

I fucking hated Evan. Why the fuck did he do this to me?

I guess it wasn't really his fault. 

It wasn't his fault that he was so fucking hot. It wasn't his fault that his messy blonde hair fell in front of his eyes in such a hot way that it made my heart race. It wasn't his fault that his piercing greyish blue eyes made my lungs forget how to work. It wasn't his fault that his voice was so fucking soft yet amazing that it was all i wanted to hear. It wasn't his fault that his lips looked so kissable.

But it wasn't like that would get us anywhere. 

There was no way Evan liked me. He was way too perfect for me to be anyone he would even consider dating.

So that brings me to my first point; hating New Year's Eve. 

Every year I kissed someone random but honestly it never really went anywhere. Sometimes we went on a date or two after but nothing serious.

But this year, I couldn't bring myself to do that. I didn't want to kiss anyone other than Evan and he wasn't going to kiss me.

But kissing someone else seemed wrong.

I rolled onto my stomach, burying my head in a pillow. I screamed, not sure what else to do with my life.

If i didn't kiss anyone tonight, people would get suspicious. Especially Evan. And I had no good excuse.

I could say I was sick. But no one would believe that. I didn't get sick that often and even if I did, I didn't let that stop me. And i wasn't the type of person to miss a party.

"Why are you screaming bloody murder in here?"

I stop my screaming once I heard Regulus voice.

Fuck, what do I say?

"Go away Reg," I sighed, my voice muffled by the pillow.

"This is my dorm to, Crouch,"

"Fuck off Regulus," I groaned.

"Okay, okay, sorry," he laughed slightly, "what's going on Barty?"

"I'm fine," I lied.

"Mhm, you're not and you know it," he sighed, sitting down on my bed, "now talk to me."

"It's just I don't want to kiss someone random tonight but I don't want Evan to worry about me," I whispered.

"And why don't you want to kiss someone?" he asked.

I opened my mouth then shut it again. 

What did i say to that?

"Or is it that you do want to kiss someone but not someone random?" he questioned.

"Yeah," I whispered, rolling onto my side.

"Oh?" he smiled, "and who would that be?"

"....Evan.." I whispered, tucking my knees into my chest.

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