Part 1

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Warnings: mentions of murder & gutting, hint of sexism, reader is kinda bitchy

"A guy clearly did that, a girl couldn't do that," Stu laughed.

You raised an eyebrow at him. "Says who? Maybe I'M the killer!" Everyone, including you, burst into laughter.

"Yeah right girlfriend. We all know you were besties with Casey," Tatum grinned. "But girls can totally be killers! Basic Instinct? Fatal Attraction?"

"True, that was NOT me," you admitted. Stu gave you a look, as if that proved his point. "Shut up Soup," you said, making a face at him. He frowned at you.

"Soup?" Sidney asked, clearly confused.

"Yeah. Soup. Cuz Stu sounds like stew, which is soup. Therefore, he's soup!" You explained, smirking at him. He rolled his eyes at you.

"It's not my fault my parents decided to name me that," Stu grumbled.

"No duh Stu-pid!" You bitched, flipping your hair into his face as you stood up. "I gotta go y'all, Cya round!"
"Byeeee!!" Tatum waved as you grabbed your stuff and walked off, waving back quick. You slid your shades down onto your eyes from their previous resting spot on your head, and popped your gum.

'So girls can't commit gruesome murders, huh? I'll show him.' You thought. You had to go to the store and buy a couple of things. You made a mental list-

Ghostface mask
Burner Phone
Voice changer
Black robes
A tight black dress

You had wanted to get revenge on some people for a while now, and now Stu had given you the perfect excuse to bring your bloody fantasies to life. God, he would eat those words!

You weren't about to take it easy on him- oh no, he was going to pay too. Everyone was going to feel your wrath, as you enforced justice on those who deserved it. Everyone who ever wronged you wouldn't make it past the week; you were going to make sure of that.

You knew him and Billy were Ghostface- but they didn't know that. You had accidentally activated a three-way call with them and overheard their plans, and what had happened.

And here's the thing about girls- they were usually smarter than boys.

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