Part 3

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Warnings: mentions of stalking, knives, & sex, sexualization, & swearing

Stu and Billy walked into the lunch yard with their destination you, Tatum, Sidney, and Randy. They were pretty shook by what had happened last night, but they were also intrigued. Friday night, they'd have to have made up their minds on what to do with the mysterious girl Ghostface. Buuuuut she hadn't given them much of a choice- it was let her join, or get exposed and then probably killed. This girl didn't seem to have any remorse or care much about killing them.

But what they had thought about her that they didn't share with the other was how hot they found her to be. She had an incredibly sexy body, they found her shape to be the ideal body type, even if some others didn't. Her skin looked silky soft and shiny from what they could see of it that was uncovered. And that thing she had done with the knife- it gave them shivers and sent blood to their faces (and another, certain place that they'd hate to admit even to themselves).

So they slowly walked over to your gang. You were all chatting it up, discussing the latest gossip and horror movies. They sat down next to their respective girlfriends, you in the middle. Randy, left on the side and rambling about god-knows-what.

"What's up boys? Y'all looking pretty shook today? Did the killer come to call?" You laughed.

The two glanced at each other around you, having a silent conversation. They obviously came to an agreement before saying "Yeah, she did actually."

Everyone else's eyebrows shot up off their faces. "She?? So it IS a girl, HA!" Tate exclaimed, high-fiving you around Stu then leaning over you to give on to Sid. "Power to the women!" She cheered, you and the brunette grinning.

"Uh not really. She was scary! She basically just blackmailed us to do what she wants and gave us until Friday night to make up our minds!" Stu exclaimed. Billy nodded in agreement adding "Yeah, she cut us!! This cut on my cheek and on Stu's chest are from her!"

You three girls smirked and looked at each other. "Sounds like she proved y'all wrong," you smirked. Tate and Sid nodded in agreement.

But little did the boys know, you'd be paying them another visit tonight...


"I'm outside, let me in," you demanded over the phone to Billy. He looked at Stu in fear, and went to the front door. "Back door this time baby," you giggled. He sighed and went to the back door. "Don't you sigh at me bitch," you snarled, losing your sickly sweet tone. You strutted over the doorway, knife already in hand. "Mh, this is why I prefer Stu. I'll kill him second I think," you pondered.

"WhAT?!" Stu yelped. You smirked under your mask.

"You heard me. Did you boys really think that you could get away with telling everyone what happened last night? Oh no no no bunnies, you're gonna pay..."

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