Part 5

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Warnings: swearing, threats, blackmail both ways, mentions of sex, groping (Stus a fricking perv), Billy is mean to you and thinks he's all that, Stu bullies you

It was school the next day. It felt pretty weird and awkward knowing you had just fucked one of your best friends while one of your other ones watched. And they didn't know it was you. Hopefully they didn't, you doubted they were paying attention.

You were at your locker, grabbing your things for the day, when all of a sudden, your arms were pinned above your head. "So, babe, when were you gonna tell us YOU were her," Stu said in your ear. You blinked, and turned around to look at him. "Who? What are you talking about?" You laughed.

"You know who," Billy demanded. You raised your eyebrows. "Where were you last night?"

"At my house dumbass. Where else would I be, there's a fucking curfew cuz of that killer," you deadpanned. They looked at each other.

"No, you weren't. You were with us," they insisted.

"Kay stupids, whatever you wanna believe. Who are you even talking about?!" You exclaimed, annoyed. "What's your proof I was with you, cuz I sure as hell don't remember that."

"what did you do last night. Give us a timeline," Billy demanded.

"Okay, now you're just acting like creeps, but fine. I studied for the calc test, and did my reading for Wednesday," you stated, rolling your eyes. "I also took a shower and watched a show before I went to sleep."

They looked at each other, now they knew they had a chance of catching you in a lie. Billy had accidentally read ahead in To Kill a Mockingbird, the current book for your literature class, so he knew what happened. "Ok, so what happened in the book then?" He smirked.

You hesitated. You had skimmed the first chapter of reading after you had showered then actually studied for calculus, then you got too tired and you passed tf out. "Uhm..." you tried to remember. Fuck. They had you, and they knew it. But you couldn't let them know since that would NOT be good.

"Scout was what in the play...?" He prompted. Stu started cackling, not helping.

"" Fuckfuckfuck. You hadn't really payed attention. You had kinda just showered and gotten the blood and *cough* other bodily fluids *cough* off of you.

"Oh since you're so dumb now we'll give you something easier- what time did you shower?" That was a weird question. You didn't know, how and why would you know that? How would they know the answer?

"Uhm... around 11?" You said. They exchanged a glance. "Anything you could tell us about calc then?" "Uh it's functions and ratios and shit," you stated.

"C'mon baby, just admit it's you," Stu purred into your ear. The two of you had you practically pinned against your locker. "You need some motivation?" He added, smirking. You gulped, that couldn't be good. "Tell us the truth or we tell Tatum."

You blinked. He... would admit to cheating on his girlfriend. To spite you. Asshole. He's lucky he's hot. "What the fuck dude. I don't even know what you're talking about," you sighed. Billy's gaze hardened, and he grabbed your shirt, startling you. "Speak up bitch. We know it's you, just admit it already and maybe we'll give you a reward," he growled.

you pursed your lips, fighting an internal battle. Then you remembered you could blackmail them too. "I won't say shit to you, but I could report you to police for being Ghostface." "And we could report you for assisted murder and breaking and entering."

"Fine. It's me. I got sick of your sexist bullshit," you said, jabbing a finger at Stu's chest, "and I have a couple names to add to the list. A couple of birches I thought were my friends actually aren't and it's revenge time. I'll meet you two later. Besides, Billy, isn't it your turn tonight~?" His breath caught and gaze darkened.

Stu grinned. "That was some good pussy, you'll want a piece."

"Oh so you're sharing me now huh? Don't even think about trying to control me, you know I'm a brat-"

"Well good thing we're brat tamers!" Stu chirped, hands trailing up your chest. You smacked his hands away.
"Fuckin' perv!"

"You sure as hell weren't complaining last night," he cackled, and Billy snorted.

You pointed a finger at the brunette boy. "Billy, you were whining like the desperate whore I know you really are, so shut the fuck up. Maybe if you're lucky I'll let you have some tonight, or it might just be Stu's turn again," you threatened.

Billy turned to the blonde, frustrated. He shrugged. "I don't know what you want me to say, Billy boy. I wouldn't complain if you acted up. If I were you though, I wouldn't."

The bell ring, saving you. You quickly finished grabbing your stuff and turned to walk away, but not before Stu grabbed your ass. You turned and pointed a threatening finger but he chortled, showing no remorse. "We better see you at lunch," Billy called after you. You shrugged and flipped your hair, not even bothering to turn back towards them. "God she's a bitch," Billy complained.

Stu laughed and raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, but she's hot as fuck- and a good one! You think she could take two at once..." he pondered, walking off as well, leaving Billy to swelter alone. He'd get his revenge- or at least that's what he thought. But little did he know, you and Stu had already made plans for him tonight. He might not enjoy it at first, but the two of you sure would. It'd be a longgg day.

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