Chapter 14

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That night we flew out to our next tour stop despite my constant protests. The company, thankfully,  announced that our next show would be delayed for 'personal reasons' when in reality I just couldn't move from bed.

For days I laid in mine and soobin's hotel room with the curtains drawn and the lights off, only time I left bed was to occasionally eat and use the bathroom.

It had been 4 days since the accident. Lily Mae still hadn't woken up.


I checked my phone for at least the 10th time that hour searching for any update.

Somehow in that time Lisa managed to get my number to update me every chance she could. She had been at the hospital everyday to take the stress off of everyone's shoulders at least a little bit.


Any update?

No :/

I'm sorry Jun

They at least said that she is healing at a good pace...

Okay... thanks.

She'll be okay

Everything will be okay between you guys, don't worry

Read at 5:57pm

I placed my phone back on the nightstand and rolled over in bed pulling the hood on my jacket farther over my head to cover my face.

As I started to close my eyes to take my 3rd nap of the day I heard the lock click and the heavy door to the room slowly opened and closed. The light from the hallway flooded the room for a second just before I was covered in darkness once again.

I felt the bed sink down by my feet and I felt a warm hand place itself on my calf.

"Hyung..." Soobin's voice was soft, just barely above a whisper. I merely groaned in response.

"Manager-nim just had a meeting with us."

I sighed. I knew this was inevitable, but I didn't expect it to happen so soon.

"And...?" I managed to say flatly.

"We have rehearsal tonight and tomorrow morning, we pushed back the shows as long as we could but we have a schedule to follow, hyung. We will resume the tour tomorrow." he sounded apologetic.

I only nodded my head and decided to sit up in bed. He turned on the bedside light and I squinted my eyes at the sudden brightness I had deprived myself of for almost 72 hours.

"I managed to convince him to let us push back practice by two hours. We'll leave here at 7:15..."

He flashed me an empathetic tight lipped grin before he finished speaking.

"And hyung...?"

I managed to meet his eye line before he got up to make his way to the door.


"Take a shower please? You're starting to stink up the hallway."

"Yah!" I picked up a pillow and threw it as hard as I could in his direction before he made his grand escape.


We got to the concert venue and I felt sick to my stomach. I rubbed my temples trying to rid myself of the migraine that had formed 4 days ago but didn't seem to go away.

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